Thursday, May 2, 2024


 Let’s take a look at the recent news. It may sound gloomy up to this point in my Newsletter but from this point on my RV Status only gets better and better 😊 😊 😊. Yes, lots of “WOW!” news. I mean solid “WOW!” news not some stupid, hyped up, garbage intel.

In today’s news many articles stand out more than the others. These articles once again talk about the Iraqi dinar and how to manage it in the future. What other articles of the past told us was to outline the problem rather than solid solutions to the problem. But in today’s news they tell us the solution….. hurry, hurry, hurry 😊 😊 😊. Why so happy, since we knew the solution all along that I am about to describe to you today? My point is now they know it and are openly telling the Iraqi people and the world. That’s my point….get it?

We know this problems of sanctioning the banks is holding back the final push of the reinstatement. Part of the solution, as they tell in an article entitled “A FIXED OR FIXED EXCHANGE SYSTEM FOR THE IRAQI DINAR” helps us understand the solution better. Please, please go read this article as it explains in very good detail why the reinstatement of the dinar is stalled,  what the problem is and what is the part of the solution (which I believe they are about to implement). Again, it gives us the issue and also the suggested solution. But I believe at this point it is much more than a suggestion. WOW, WOW, WOW.

Now at least you can understand the issue as to the hold up by the US Treasury and the problem in implementing a solutionAgain, I will tell you that the reinstatement plan of 2011 tells us they intend to repeg the dinar and get off the de facto peg to the sole dollar and move to a new peg of a basket currencies. Sounds to me like they are getting ready to do it and are in the last phases of discussion. So, what comes out in an article this period?

An article is telling us exactly what I have been telling you all along. Folks they are educating the public about the old de facto peg they are now on to the new peg they intend to use in this article. Go read the article! Enough said…. Didn’t they just tell us last week in an article that to execute the Project to Delete the Zeros needed an educational process first?

In another article titled “RENTIERISM” HITS IRAQ’S ECONOMY DESPITE TRILLIONS OF REVENUES” we read that and I quote from the article –  “Iraq cannot get out of the cycle of rentier economy due to the lack of infrastructure for the industrial and agricultural economic sectors and the absence of a real investor,” adding that “the surplus funds in the general budget are not directed towards… Investment, but rather towards expenditure”.What they are telling is not new. We already know this as they have told us this a million times already. They are telling us again that the Iraqi economy is NOT sustainable. What the hell does this mean?

It means that each month they collect revenues from the “rentier” sales of oil. Then they spend the revenue on salaries, retirement, reconstruction projects, military and other social benefits. Not much remains at the end. Easy in and easy out. Like renting an apartment. You work, earn money them pay rent and utilities. When you move out you have nothing to show for it. You are just back to where you started. 

But if you save enough you can buy your own home and it allows you to get out of the renting business and into your own home…. right? This is what Iraq is doing. Remember all the assets (reserves, gold, customs and tariffs, phophate, etc)? But what is your status when you buy a home? Yes, you are currently renting (rentier economy). How does this change occur? There is first a bank loan approval (US Treasury and IMF signoff for the RV), then the closing (the Project to delete the zeros), they the move into your new home (the reinstatement to FOREX). Does these steps now make sense to you? Do you get it now? 

So you see that in the Obama plan of recovery for Iraq it calls for Iraq to be already living in the home to RV and this simply did not make any sense. How can you live in the home when you are still trying to purchase it? Besides the time consumed so far we witnessed in this RV saga was the time to be taken to save the money to buy the new home but it was instead being sucked up by intentional corruption led by the Obama administration policies for Iraq. Then came Covid and ISIS besides. 

Since the overall global plan is to revitalize Iraq and make Iraq a central hub/clearing house for the middle east, then they need to progress out of the rentier economy and buy their new home (liberate their currency). In other words, ditch the socialistic economy left over from under Saddam. Why are they so afraid to call it what it is as “socialism” and instead call it a “rentier” economy? This is the globalist influence as their goal is socialism but only where they plan it to occur and to drag down a nation. Iraq right now is not in that plan while we can clearly see the U.S. and Europe is (subject for another time).  

So, what is the solution?

In another article today they are telling us more of the solution. They tell us they need to fix the issue with the banks and how they abuse the dollar for making money off the spread between the official rate the parallel driven rate, their commission. This is billions of dollars and it’s hard to give up. These are the sanctioned banks and this issue must be resolved somehow and these sanctions lifted for us to move ahead with the process of the dinar RV. Get it? I can not sit here writing this Newsletter today telling you I have the solution either. The RV is NOT the solution I can tell you this much. They would have done it already if it was. Instead, the RV is a byproduct of fixing this issue as it will allow the RV process to continue. Get it?......BE CONTINUED


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