Wednesday, April 10, 2024



Bank story two I go into the bank today to a teller who I talked to about three months ago who was brand new and she spilled her guts. The first couple days that she started.

Asking me what currency I had and everything and I said yeah I had Currency… He says oh you’re gonna be one of our new millionaires, and I said I also had Zim she’s in said oh you’re gonna be one of our new billionaires and I went on with that

Today when I talked to her was talking about the new Currency coming out soon and she said yes….. and I said we should be exchanging it soon and then she said it was the next week….. look forward to seeing you next week exciting times coming.

I asked her if she had been trained on the new system QSF and she said yes and I said I told you you were gonna be trained on it . She laughed and said I know I just didn’t believe you until now.

Keep the faith everyone. This should give you some great encouragement!


 From Holly’s Room: 

Holly:  I wanted to share two bank stories from a friend of mine in my room:  ;

First bank story, I have been banking at a chase bank here in the Bay Area northern California for 20 years.

When I first started there there was a new clerk, just starting out as a teller….. over the years. I watch him go from teller to accounts of accounts all the way up to manager of the bank……, in the last two years, he has been promoted to be in charge of six banks in the area.

I don’t see him as often as I like to but a few years ago I talk to him about what’s going on…. he didn’t know much about it, but said he’d look into it and we talk later….

I’ve seen him a few times over the years, but they’re able to talk just waving each other as we go by….. two weeks ago I got to talk to him, walked in his office, closed his door and we start talking about things…. as time went on. I start talking to him about the exchange his eyes got real big and asked me about it.

I said yes if I had Currency I said yes and then he asked me if I had Zim I said yes and he goes. Oh OK you’ll be going to special place.

I said OK….

he said when that was over come back here and we’ll talk and I’ll help you out and take care of you, I was really excited about it.

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