Friday, April 26, 2024

Parliament Talks About The Mechanism For Recovering Smuggled Funds And Hints At The Next Stage, 26 APRIL

 Parliament Talks About The Mechanism For Recovering Smuggled Funds And Hints At The Next Stage

 Politics |Today, 14:07 |  Baghdad today – Baghdad Today, Thursday (April 25, 2024), the Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed that there is ongoing work to recover all Iraqi funds smuggled abroad, while indicating that the

 next stage will witness the recovery of funds and more fugitives on charges of corruption and others.

Committee member Ghareeb Al-Muradli told “Baghdad Today” that

 “there are real efforts by the Iraqi government in addition to the Federal Integrity Commission to recover Iraqi money smuggled as a result of corruption operations, and

 this is very possible because of international cooperation in this file.” Al-Muradli stated,

 "Iraq has good international relations, and through these relations it is able to track its money and follow up on those wanted by it on corruption charges," adding,

 "For this reason, it was able during the last period to arrest a number of fugitives." He stressed that

 "the next stage will witness the recovery of funds and more fugitives on charges of corruption and other charges."

 It is noteworthy that the Parliamentary Integrity Committee commented, Thursday (March 28, 2024), on the activities of the Iraq Assets Recovery Fund and the slowness in recovering that money and some of those accused of fleeing on corruption charges or belonging to the previous regime.

Committee member Duraid Jameel told “Baghdad Today” that

 “there is great and important work for the Iraq Money Recovery Fund and

there is a noticeable increase in the activities of this fund,” adding:

 “But the slowness is not on the part of the Iraqi side, but rather on the part of countries, some of which are procrastinating in Implementing what Iraq demands.” Jamil stated,

  “There are major legal and technical procedures undertaken by the Iraq Assets Recovery Fund, in order to recover smuggled funds or recover some of the fugitive defendants on corruption charges and others,

 but the routine procedures by those countries are what delayed the resolution of many of these activities.”

 A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee added,

 "There is no accurate figure for the sums of money smuggled from Iraq abroad, whether through corruption operations or other funds of the former regime,

 but there are government efforts being made to recover all that money, and there are practical steps in this regard."

 Estimates indicate that the funds smuggled abroad amount to approximately $350 billion over the past twenty years, while

the Integrity Commission is working to recover some of the funds from other countries or recover the accused, but

some countries refuse to recover some of the corruption funds smuggled over the past years because they have entered into the economic cycle or Existing projects in those countries, according to observers.البرلمان-يتحدث-عن-الية-استعادة-الأموال-المهربة-ويلمح-الى-المرحلة-المقبلة.html  

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