Friday, April 26, 2024



MICA Announcement:

"This summer, the first part of the EU’s MiCA Regulation will come into effect. Financial institutions (FIs) that are currently engaged in or exploring crypto assets will need to make operational adjustments."

Markets in Crypto Assets (MICA) it's finally coming to its final stages of completion for the QFS. Financial institutions seeking to participate on the new Digital System will be going through a regulatory process. 

These MICA Regulations that will come to conclusion on May 28th, 2024 in Europe will create a crypto-asset white paper. This white paper will report and create a set of guidelines for all countries to follow going forward in building their Quantum Technological Regulations.

Financial institutions around the world will have until December 2024 to integrate their Quantum Technologies to the new Digital Asset Based Trading System. At that time, the new QFS will be operational Globally. 

Here is what will be worked on between now and the end of the year:

* how financial values are stored and transacted (stablecoins)

* Movement from T+1 to T+0 instant payments in cross-border transactions

* Reducing counterparty risks

* Counteracting payment frauds

Many Credit Valuation Adjustments will be taking place between now and that time when the Global Currency Reset will come into play. 

This is it folks. I know no one wants to hear this at this time. Yet, we are working with the United States, Europe, and the BRICS Nations aligning  themselves with payment systems and tokenized assets that will govern our new Global Economy.

It's been a long journey, but we are in the final stages. And, it is important that we pay close attention between now and Christmas to changes that can possibly move up these banking timelines. 

As far as currencies are concerned, they will need to begin shifting at some point between now and Christmas. They may come as a float, become volatile, partial revaluation in some countries, but I expect final prices on these currencies or complete revaluations to come late to early next year. 

There are three phases to this final process. I will be helping you to understand where we are as we move to each stage. The first two have to be done by Christmas. The last one is a continuation of the first two that has more to do with reporting procedures than payment processes. 

In the meantime, we will clearly have Digital Assets moving into real values. This first RV is at the beginning stages of development right now. 

You would do yourself a favor to find a good friend who understands what cryptos are going to be used in the next Financial System. You will be glad that you did.

© Goldilocks

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