Friday, February 9, 2024



 [Personal Ohio Bank Story]  

 FRANK:  I'm here to talk to you about your bank...I asked, Here at Chase do you folks exchange foreign currency?

  He said no, we do not.  I found it odd...something was very wrong...Second Question, If you don't exchange foreign currency why is Jamie Dimon the CEO in Iraq? ...

 [He said] No he's not.  My next statement almost started WW III...Sir, you are very ignorant.  You're in charge of this bank and you're answering my questions incorrectly...

I said let me try that again, Does Chase convert foreign currency into American dollars

 No.  J.P Morgan does.  

..So Chase is a bank and JP Morgan are the investors of Chase Bank right

 Yes...They will exchange your currency..

.He softened up a little bit.  He asked, What do you have?

 ...The Iraqi dinar...

How much

 I made up a number.  I have over 200 million dinars. 

 He said, you're not going to be exchanging your dinars here at Chase.   We can't handle that.  You have to go to a state bank...

Where should I take my dinars to have them look at them, inspect them and then deposit them correctly

 He said New York [or] Chicago...You come here to my Chase office in Toledo Ohio we'll zoom with Chicago. 

 You're going to come to me?

  Yes...We'll make an appointment.  The Brinks truck will come, a representative will come.  They will verify it.  They will have all the equipment they need...

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