Tuesday, February 13, 2024



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY: A guy comes on TV and he talks to us about how the end of the Untied Nations mission official has removed all sanctions from Iraq...

 FIREFLY:  So far we are not seeing the lower notes but they talk to us about them every day.  They just talk to us about them and why we'll need them.

 FRANK:   They are talking to you about the lower notes and coins because they are about to show them to you next week or the week after.  I believe your bank friend will show you something in the sense of pictures...Take as many pictures as you can.

 FIREFLY: A representative from the CBI is talking to us in great detail about the new coins they will be giving us with the new currency notes...He said to us once again, the process to delete the zeros is in the process

 It made us smile.  He said this process is occurring because the lower notes will not be needed if the rate wasn't increasing.  He said if the CBI didn't come out with these lower notes the monetary reforms would be a disaster.  He said that's why we need a change in our rate... 

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