Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Al-Sudani's Advisor Talks About The Post-Coalition Phase. This Is What He Revealed, 14 FEB

 Al-Sudani's Advisor Talks About The Post-Coalition Phase. This Is What He Revealed

The media adviser to the prime minister spoke very briefly about the resumption of negotiations between Baghdad and Washington on the future of the military presence, and says that Iraq is ready for this stage, especially since the "body language" of the Iraqi fighter shows a "great readiness" to fill the vacuum.

Hussein Allawi said in a televised interview followed by Earth News, "What is said about the international coalition will leave a vacuum, this is not true, we have relations with NATO and relations with the quadripartite alliance, and what we will do is return the state to the stage before the fall of Mosul, any normal relations, governed by bilateral relations, whether with America or Britain, and with all the countries of the international coalition in light of strategic agreements, whether the strategic framework agreement or an agreement with the United Kingdom."

He added: "This is what we witnessed two sessions of the Council of Ministers, as the Foreign Minister was authorized to develop an agreement with the United Kingdom for strategic cooperation in various fields, including defense," noting that "the military committee evaluates 3 basic technical and military points, namely assessing the terrorist threat of ISIS, discussing the combat readiness of the Iraqi armed forces, and setting a timetable for ending the presence of the international coalition in Iraqi territory."

He continued: We are now moving to the process of organizing the Iraqi armed forces, in a normal way and focusing on readiness and combat readiness, and this is what the Sudanese will work on, and this is related to 3 issues.

1. Armament level.

2. Level of spending.

3. Morale level.

Today, you notice that the body language of the Iraqi fighter in all our forces shows a high readiness to confront terrorism, crime and security challenges."

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