Thursday, September 14, 2023


 Militia Man 

  Once they go international they're going to have to have an international exchange rate to value assets.  Those assets are going to have to be competitive in the marketplace.  I think Al-Sudani's speech...the U.S. Treasury showing back up today, the Central Banks of Iran and Iraq are a key focus and everybody should be really excited about it.  Let's see what happens in the next couple days.  Obviously they're going to tell us more about this whole process because it's going to be a public deal...

 The Central Bank of Iraq and Iranian, who are they having meetings with?  The United States Secretary of the Treasury... Article:  "The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iran arrives in Baghdad with a visit that will lead to a reduction in the price of the dollar."   That tells you the dollar is going to decline and their currencies are going to go up...I believe they're in execution stage...

Article quote:  "Iraqi and Iranian Central Banks are working on a mechanism to regulate trade and break the back of the parallel market."  They had a problem with the black market.  The parallel market is illegal.  It's illegal to be trading in dollars...Sounds like they're about to get rid of it.  Iraq is supposed to be dealing in dinar only...on the streets...

Iraq is showing signs of incredible security and stability...ISIS has been taken care of, that's security.

Al-Sudani: Reforming the banking sector contributed to reducing money laundering operations in Iraq, 14 SEPT

 Al-Sudani: Reforming the banking sector contributed to reducing money laundering operations in Iraq

Al-Sudani - Reforming the banking sector contributed to reducing money laundering operations in IraqShafaq News/ Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed on Wednesday that reforming the banking sector contributed to reducing money laundering operations in Iraq.
This came during his meeting with US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Elizabeth Rosenberg, in the capital, Baghdad, according to a statement received by Shafaq News Agency.
During the meeting, joint cooperation between financial institutions in Iraq and the US Department of the Treasury was discussed, and the government’s measures to implement financial and banking reforms were discussed to reduce corruption in all its forms.
The Prime Minister indicated that “the government is continuing to implement its priorities in reforming the banking sector, which is a basic basis for developing the economy, by adopting international standards and addressing the distortions and imbalances that accompanied its work and keeping pace with developments,” stressing that “those reforms have contributed, significantly, to reducing… From money laundering operations, it also addressed suspicious trade and reduced corruption.”
Al-Sudani stated that “the government has come a long way in implementing its reforms in financial institutions, in the public and private sectors.”
For her part, Rosenberg praised the great steps taken by the government in the field of financial and banking reform, which will help Iraq advance its economy and enhance its programs and plans in the field of sustainable development.



Announcement of the public tender numbered (2023/5) for equipping, installing and operating Iraqi and foreign currency counting and sorting machines (dollars and euros) and currency packing machines for the Central Bank of Iraq / Kurdistan Region Branch / Erbil

The Central Bank of Iraq announces the conduct of a public and private tender to equip, install and operate machines for counting and sorting Iraqi and foreign currency (dollars and euros), number (30) and currency packing machines, number (4) machines for the Central Bank of Iraq / Kurdistan Region Branch / Erbil, according to the technical specifications and legal conditions stated . In the standard document for processing goods prepared by this bank At a total estimated cost of (650,000,000) Iraqi dinars (six hundred and fifty million Iraqi dinars), and from the planning budget of the Central Bank of Iraq for the year 2023.

(Why in May of 2023 the purchase of all this new equipment to count and sort money? Just asking…..hint,,,hint….)

More news….


Iraq aims to move forward with the implementation of the Nebras project, the largest petrochemical plant in the Middle East, and remove all obstacles and challenges that delayed the start of implementing the joint project with the international company Shell.

(Full article in in the article section)


Finally, this week we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are having breakthrough after breakthrough on some VERY GOOD news and today’s news is no exception. In parallel with the exposure and cleanup of the corruption within the U.S. government, we are slowly seeing a change in policy for Iraq. I quote from today’s article- “Iraqi Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, said that his country rejects the use of its territory to attack Iran, but it also rejects “threatening Iraqi sovereignty.”

I believe that the U.S. is slowly realizing, as Iraq has already done years ago, that the Barrack Obama plan for the economic reforms in Iraq is not going to work without first the liberalization of the dinar. So, as I normally do, I called my CBI contact to get an update on the situation in Iraq. What I was told was some very good news. This news stems around the new assignment just given to my contact on a team, recently put together that is responsible for supervising the rollout of the newer lower denominations and the redenomination process.

Why is this very good new?

First, it is telling me the implementation of the project to delete the zeros is so VERY CLOSE at hand;

Second, remember also this is my contact and so I can learn lots as this project proceeds forward. I will be able to get first-hand information that most will not be able to even get;

Third, I was told is will be moving forward in the coming days not months.   

On Tuesday the arrival of Assistant US Treasury Secretary Elizabeth Rosenberg to the capital, Baghdad. This visit was for the purpose of reviewing the progress in combating international money laundering, corruption and banking reforms all will support international investment in Iraq. This visit coincides with a sharp rise in the dollar exchange rate since the end of last week, as on Tuesday, the barrier of 155 thousand dinars was broken in the parallel market, against the backdrop of the arrest of many owners of financial companies that violated the instructions of the Central Bank.

Again I want to state that the re-education process has NOT yet been taking place. So I am still expecting this to begin very soon. Here is the highlights of the process I was told would be taking just prior and during the project to delete the zeros. . 

Why is this Re-Education Process Important to us?

I have talked about many times that it must take place prior to the Project to Delete the Zeros. So we them will know that this project is VERY close.

Then we know what comes next…don’t we? That’s the important part. Get it? 

I was told by my CBI contact many times that when this project to delete the zeros and to redenominate the dinar will not be a secret. It will be in the news media all over Iraq. So, where are the articles then? Where is the news media then if this has taken place?   

So, the newer lower denominations did not come out and are not in the ATMs. Get it? The Kurds are being paid and will need the ATM for petty cash so they can’t reset the machines yet. How will the citizens survive if they did at this point without the full redenomination happening concurrently?


I find it amazing some still dwell so much on these two questions. Is it your insecurity in your investment? Are you not sure you made the correct decision in purchasing these notes? I showed you proof already many times that the dinar, when reinstated, will NOT come out at the low program rate and then float slowly to something we want to see to exchange. Instead, it will be placed back on FOREX and by the time you hear about it, it may very well already be over $4. Remember at some point the IMF will cap it out and let it settle down. I heard this could be at about $9. The rate will not ever reach the Dr Shabibi stated $16 that he said it could “withstand”. Of course, this statement was from way back in 2012 and the wealth of the country has changed 21 years for the better. There is a much higher level of stability and security. Plus, many more banking and financial reforms have been implemented since. Dr Shabibi was going to reinstate first then “shoot at the hip” on the reforms later and this was his approach while, after his ousting, Iraq had to take a step back to implement many of the reforms first under a different long-term plan. Without Dr Shabibi at the helm of the CBI, his full plan may not have worked. However, the actual process to be taken at the very end remains the same and we are watching it all play out now, even more obviously since January of this year. 

Will we get out of 2023 without an RV? 

This is highly doubtful. Remember there is information I am not telling you that you have no business to know. I am only passing along about 65% of what I know. But I can assure you don’t doubt this investment and hang on to your dinar.

Barzani asked Biden for help to “save the region from collapse,” and Baghdad eased the pressure, 14 SEPT

Barzani asked Biden for help to “save the region from collapse,” and Baghdad eased the pressure, 14 SEPT

 Prime Minister of Kurdistan Masrour Barzani sent a telegram to US President Joe Biden complaining about the pressure exerted by the Iraqi government and requesting his urgent intervention to prevent “final collapse” of the region.

In a report published on Tuesday (September 12), The Monitor Network stated that Barzani had written to President Biden about the current situation in their country. Barzani expressed his concerns about the ongoing crisis, which he fears will be difficult to overcome due to the economic and political turmoil Lebanon is facing.

During a statement, he expressed his concerns saying, “I am genuinely worried that the dishonorable campaign being waged against us by the Baghdad government will lead to the ultimate destruction of the Iraqi federal model, which the United States has supported since 2003 and has been keen to continue until now. This is the first time since I became the Prime Minister that I have felt this way.”

He cautioned that the Iraqi Kurdistan region could face a complete and utter collapse if President Biden doesn’t personally take action to influence the Iraqi government. He also added that the current crisis could be defused if the new administration uses its sway in Baghdad.

The Monitor Network reported that the message arrived at the White House on the third of this month.

Observers have observed a shift in Baghdad’s stance since the time mentioned. It has decided to pay a part of the region’s dues, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party has been invited to return to Kirkuk. This invitation has been renewed even after the outbreak of protests in the city.

Earlier this month, the government suggested a Coordination Framework plan that involved offering the regional government a loan of 500 billion dinars. The plan was based on the understanding that the regional government would be able to pay it back using its oil revenues. However, the regional government declined the proposal.

According to Peshwa Hawramani, a spokesperson for the regional government, the Kurdistan Region is owed a total of 1.375 trillion dinars per month, as per the Federal Budget Law for 2023. Out of this amount, 906 billion dinars are meant to pay the salaries of employees working in the region. However, the Federal Ministry of Finance has only disbursed a sum of 2.598 trillion dinars to the region since January 1st, including 400 billion dinars for the months of October and November 2022. This is far less than the total amount of 11 trillion dinars allocated to the region until August 2023, as per the budget law’s schedules.

The oil revenues of the region are under the supervision of Baghdad, and are included in Iraq’s export quota with OPEC. Halting the region’s exports does not damage the Iraqi budget because Iraqi oil production has remained within its quota limits, and the Iraqi Ministry of Oil receives 85 thousand barrels of oil from the region daily for local use since June 25.

Despite the regional government’s willingness to deliver the quantity of oil requested by the ministry based on the production capacity of local refineries, the federal government failed to fulfill its commitment to cover the production costs of oil, and did not provide any payment to cover the expenses related to extracting, producing, and transporting the oil.

In the end, the government in Baghdad, under American pressure, decided to pay 500 billion dinars to the Kurdistan region as their dues, not as a loan.

Kurdish officials are in talks with American officials to address the issue of whether the Iraqi government is federal or centralized. The officials claim that Baghdad is attempting to exert control over everything related to the region, despite it not being under federal jurisdiction.

The government of Muhammad Shia al-Sudani attempted to appease the Kurdistan Democratic Party by allowing them to return to Kirkuk. This was done in order to prevent complaints about Baghdad’s mistreatment of the region and to establish a basis for sharing influence in the city. However, it is important to note that the coordination framework still considers the region subject to the central administration in Baghdad. The region is demanding undeserved funds.

Jassem Muhammad Jaafar, a member of the State of Law coalition, stated that Masrour Barzani’s recent statements regarding the relationship between the Kurdish region and the central government indicate that the regional government is afraid of a possible uprising by the Kurdish people. The fear is said to stem from the region’s “illegitimate and illegal demands” for funds from Baghdad.

“Masrour Barzani should have fulfilled the promises he made regarding the budget and returned the amounts of oil sold during smuggling to Turkey, instead of making provocative statements. He should also acknowledge the mistake the government made when they signed a contract with Turkey without consulting the federal government.”

The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, criticized the Iraqi Parliament for approving the state budget, calling it unconstitutional and illegal and further deepening the dispute with the region.

During a recent development, it was stated that the Iraqi federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government have reached a positive agreement to resolve issues that have been causing instability in the country. The objective of this agreement is to consolidate foundations of stability and serve the people. However, some political parties have acted irresponsibly by trying to undermine the Kurdistan region’s entity, which is an unfortunate situation.



This period we finally have a breakthrough on some VERY GOOD news about the currency reform and why it has been stalled.
On Monday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced new steps in the issue of the dollar exchange rate crisis, and said that these steps would “break down” the parallel market.
Al-Sudani spoke about the currency market file during a meeting with a number of news media professionals held at the government palace, indicating that “the dollar issue requires reform of the banking and financial sector, and is linked to taxes, customs, and fees to protect products and economic policies.
Al-Sudani stated that the existence of “the parallel market is linked to a number of commercial operations, including trade with Iran,” and in this regard, he explained that merchants cannot send money legally in light of the American sanctions on Tehran, “which forces them to deal with the parallel market.”
The Prime Minister confirmed that “the Iranian side informed the government in the last meeting to stop dealing in the dollar, and to replace it with the euro, the yuan, the dirham, the Iraqi dinar, or the Iranian toman,” and revealed that there is “a mechanism that the Central Bank of Iraq and its Iranian counterpart are working on to prepare a plan to regulate this trade.”
Al-Sudani said that the new mechanism with Iran “will break the back of the parallel market,” while he explained that other problems associated with the parallel market relate to the trade in tobacco, gold, and medicines.
The central banks in Iran and Iraq are working to establish a mechanism to regulate trade and payments in exchange of currencies (Iraqi dinar and Iranian toman) instead of U.S. Dollars to eliminate the parallel market altogether driving up the price of the dollar.
Yes, eliminate the dollar altogether and no need for the parallel market.
Like cutting the head off the snake!
I bring you this news today since I believe this has been the problem all along with the parallel market.
Yes, they have told us before they had a solution but here, we sit today and still the black market is not yet under control.
Will this new solution solve the problem?
I firmly believe that if it does, we may very well see the second change in the rate we have been waiting for of 1000–1132.
But remember that Rome was not built in a day and this new Iranian-Iraq trading policy will take a period to get underway and then to bring the desired results.
So, let’s hang in and see what happens.
It won’t be long so let’s not exaggerate either.
The Coming Re-Education Process
Simply put, the CBI will tell the citizens about how the process will work for the redenomination.
It will include these steps as outlined to me many years ago:
1. The turning-in to the banks the older three zero notes in exchange for the lower denominations;
2. The deadlines for the exchange window, just like they did with the turning in of the old Saddam Hussein notes in 2004;
3. Showing the citizens the actual new lower denominations and coins;
4. Pointing out the security features on the new notes.
5. Explaining the resetting of the ATMs
The CBI site itself will then list the newer notes as legal tender.
Why is this Re-Education Process Important to us?
I have talked about many times that it must take place prior to the Project to Delete the Zeros.
So we then will know that this project is VERY close.
I was told by my CBI contact many times that when this project to delete the zeros and to redenominate the dinar will not be a secret.
It will be in the news media all over Iraq.
So, the newer lower denominations did not come out and are not in the ATMs.
The Kurds are being paid and will need the ATM for petty cash so they can’t reset the machines yet.
How will the citizens survive if they did at this point without the full redenomination happening concurrently?
On Sunday, the economic expert, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, revealed the main reasons behind not launching the 2023 budget yet.
Doesn’t this seem really strange that the budget was passed months ago and yet they still have not distributed the funds for all the projects to rebuild Iraq?
Are they waiting for a new rate?
I believe they are.
Members of Parliament are getting wise to covert actions of the US government to break (not help) the Iraqi economy.
Remember actions speak louder than words.
So who’s holding back the reinstatement?
I quote from today’s article- “Many parliamentary members are now accusing the United States of America of waging a conspiratorial war to destroy Iraq’s economy.
The Iraqi government, when it talks with the American side within the diplomatic framework, must bear in mind the criterion of it’s strength and try to obtain advanced and modern technological technologies that benefit Iraq.”
Many members are quoted as saying “America is leading the policy of economic conspiracy during the current period; to destroy the Iraqi currency and the exchange rate,” stressing “the necessity of referring to this war and not leaving it.”
We need to see a change in the U.S. policy for Iraq and this change is NOT going to occur until we have a change in the current Biden/Obama puppet corrupt administration.
So, when will this happen, if it will happen prior to 2024?
Folks, it is all coming to the surface and playing out.
September is going to be huge, but it will continue through the end of the year into the early part of 2024.
Congress is now back in session and this week it their real first week of work in the committees.
Did you see all the exposure and whistleblowers that came forward during these months, the prophesied three-month period of exposure (June- August) that so many of the prophets talked about?
We witnessed amazing exposure of corruption and lies at the highest levels of government and three letter agencies.
This will also will continue but now we enter the fall period.
Remember the “fall” will happen in the “fall”.


Good morning everyone;

I have been in this a very long time. One thing for certain I have learned is no matter how many times I heard this was going, this was it, sadly it was not.

There is a lot of news and hype that we are there and this is it.

I would like to caution everyone to not get caught up in the hopium and hype. Keep living your life the best that you can and this will eventually happen.  It’s never been a matter of if but when.

So with that let’s look at what is positive to point out we are close: 

1. Iraq has been all about stability and security. They are right there now.

2. Iraq is a lynchpin to have this go and they appear to be finally complete on all that is required.

3. We have the US in Iraq now.

4. Iraq delegates come to the US Sept 18/19th

5. They have published their budget, all we need is their rate.

6. It looks like we should see their rate this month.

7. This has never been a date-driven occurrence, it was always event-driven.

8. Iraq is a driving force in this event.

So with this being said. We should see something definitive in September/October. However, I caution you all that there are always unforeseen circumstances that arise that could move that timing and it be pushed out further.

 For all those saying we are right there and it’s happening now, just use caution with all this information. I follow what is being done not what is being said. For it is being done globally in plain sight but you have to look.

 Don’t believe what all the gurus are saying as I am seeing so much misinformation. Massive amounts of disinformation right now. Remember to keep a level head and remain calm.
How do I remain calm, I do not get emotionally attached to this or to the outcome.

This is real and we will have this happen eventually. You already see with the BRICS how the financial world is changing.

Have a beautiful and glorious day! Peace, joy, love and happiness!

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman 09/14/2023

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning everyone happy Thursday

Member: Weeks are sure flying by quickly

Member:  Has the treasury signed and sealed their signature for Iraq?

MZ: “US Treasury discusses with CBI foreign trade in three currencies other than the dollar”  This is the US Treasury representative in Iraq and sitting down with Alaq. Of course they are working with the CBI and working through some things. They are helping get Iraq set up so they can trade in Yuan, Euro and UAE Durham.

MZ: They also discussed all the tremendous efforts Iraq has done to modernize their banking system. They can now track money laundering, bad guys ect……

MZ: I am still hearing there are Fed Reps  and State Dept Reps there as well as World Trade Organization Reps as well. Could these ongoing meetings be a front as they discuss the rate change?  That is what I am hearing out of Iraq…..That they are finalizing that rate change. 

Member:  MM posted about US TREASURY being in Iraq says in his opinion we are there.

Member:  Mark if Iraq goes by itself, how do we cash in our currencies that are in a multi currency account if there is no redemption center. was told they are only going to be open for 2 to 3 weeks?

MZ: I am told that the banks will still issue instructions on where to go and what to do for exchanges. And they will also offer multi currency accocunts if Iraq goes solo. Things should be just scaled down because few people hold just dinar. Probably centers will be just housed in banks. Maybe some on military bases. 

Member:  CBI was down last night and it was so exciting…until it came up again with no change.

Member:  Are we still feeling a "shotgun" start, where everyone goes at the same time, or waterfall tier by tier? thanks!

Member: I think they will do a shotgun… the news doesn’t get leaked ahead of time that tiers are going…..

MZ: Mr. C has not been paid yet

Member: What does that mean?

MZ: When Mr. C gets paid….that means our US dollar will be refunded and go back to gold/asset backed money. That’s as we understand it. 

MZ: I still believe everything is in place and they just need to flip a switch

Member: Charlie Ward thinks it will happen on a Thursday. Others say Friday night after markets close or Saturday Night when all the banks are closed.  Then others are looking at End of Sept as Oct 1 is the start of the US fiscal year for 2024.

Member: Given all that’s transpired in the past year …I wish we knew the reason the IQD RV hasn’t happened yet? Who is holding this back? Who is not benefiting by the RV?

Member:  Debt clock is interesting!! Quite an uptick in U.S. Million Aires and debt going down. hmmmmmm

Member:  how ticked off do you think ppl might get once they figure out they missed out on RV and we didn't? I tried to tell several ppl to no avail like most of us.

Member: That is one reason why we sign NDA’s when we exchange…..for our protection. imo

Member:  Hopefully, within hours all the 'Guru's' will be out of a job. The only ones left on FB, X and Telegram will be trolls, the NDA police and the awakened but unenlightened, asking "Where is everybody?".

Member: I truly believe that something is about to happen!! We just need to hang tight –

MZ: MilitiaMan will be joining us tonight at our 7 pm est podcast. 

Andy Schecctman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions. 



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Nader From The Mid East  

Here's my opinion about Sudani in the media...First, he got me all excited.  He's talking to the Iraqi people.  He's kind of like Trump, he's United States first, Sudani is Iraqi first.  I love that.  That's one thing I love about him.  Whatever he said about business, trading, manufacturers, money, everything he said it showing me the future we're going to be very strong.  That's why I get excited..

This is straight from the horses mouth, straight from Sudani.  He had an interview today...He talked about security...ISIS and any other terrorist group does not have anymore power in our life.  Stability, Iraq is stable.  It's amazing.  Cannot get more stable than this.  Three...we signed all the agreements.  It's ready with world trade.  It's done.  Finished...Iraq become the hub of Asia, Middle East, North Africa and maybe Europe...

The exchange rate has been discussed with the WTO, World Bank...last week in New York they all agreed into it.  Iran tried to slow it down but they can't anymore.  That's it.  They're done...Now we're just waiting for the approval of United States Treasury.  They just have to sign it.  Everything is done.  This is from the horses mouth... Sudani...Happy day today.

An Economist Warns Of American Intentions Regarding Iraqi Financial Dealings, 14 SEPT

 An Economist Warns Of American Intentions Regarding Iraqi Financial Dealings

Information / Baghdad...Economic affairs researcher, Muhammad Al-Saadi, warned on Thursday of American intentions and dictates regarding Iraqi foreign financial transactions, as well as dialogues and invoices, likely imposing new conditions related to the process of transferring the dollar from the US Federal Bank. 

Al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma, “Washington may move towards imposing new dictates on Iraq through the visit of the US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Anti-Money Laundering Affairs (Elizabeth Rosenberg) to Baghdad and her meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank.”

He added, "It is expected that the visit aims to impose new conditions regarding the transfer of dollars from Iraqi funds in the Federal Bank," noting that "the visit comes in the context of conditions adopted by the American administration to impose on the government of Muhammad Shia al-Sudani and implement them."

He stated, "The conditions include the US Treasury's monitoring of all Iraqi foreign import invoices, and tightening control over Iraqi remittances and the dollar selling platform through the anti-money laundering framework." LINK

Al-Sudani receives the UAE Minister of State and confirms the government's keenness to develop relations between the two countries, 14 SEPT

 Al-Sudani receives the UAE Minister of State and confirms the government's keenness to develop relations between the two countries

Today, Thursday (September 14, 2023), Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received UAE Minister of State Khalifa Shaheen Al-Marar, while the Prime Minister stressed Iraq’s keenness to develop relations between the two countries in all fields

The Prime Minister's Media Office said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", "The meeting witnessed discussion of ways of cooperation and strengthening areas of partnership between Iraq and the United Arab Emirates." 

The Prime Minister affirmed, according to the statement, "the government is pursuing a policy of economic integration with the brotherly and friendly country, as it represents the basic gateway to stability in the region." 

Al-Sudani stated, "Iraq's openness to Emirati companies and businessmen to work within the country," stressing "the government's keenness to develop relations with the Emirates in all fields, especially those related to the economic, investment, and development aspects." 

For his part, the Emirati minister conveyed to “the Prime Minister the greetings of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan,” expressing “his country’s happiness at holding the joint committee meetings in Baghdad,” according to the statement

He stressed "his country's support for development and investment projects in Iraq," noting "the serious desire to participate in the vital development road project, because of its importance to all countries of the region."    link

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman 09/14/2023

The US Treasury discusses with the Iraqi Central Bank foreign trade in three foreign currencies other than the dollar, 14 SEPT

The US Treasury discusses with the Iraqi Central Bank foreign trade in three foreign currencies other than the dollar, 14 SEPT

 The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq announced on Wednesday that he discussed with the US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and foreign trade in three currencies other than the US dollar.

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, met with Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Elizabeth Rosenberg and her delegation. Bilateral relations were discussed, and the Central Bank of Iraq’s measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing were reviewed. The meeting also involved confirming the continued support provided by the US Treasury and joint efforts to enhance transparency, integrity, and compliance with international regulations within the Iraqi banking system. The bank’s media released a statement regarding the meeting.

The statement reveals that two parties met and discussed the progress made in previous meetings between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Treasury Department and Federal Bank. They also talked about the possibility of technical support in financing foreign trade through trustworthy banking channels. The financing will be provided in various currencies such as the euro, the Chinese yuan, and the Emirati dirham. The parties also discussed organizing trade with the Republic of Turkey.

The US Treasury Department commended the Central Bank of Iraq for its efforts in ensuring transparency and accuracy of procedures through contracting international auditing companies.

On Tuesday, the US Ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romanowski, made an announcement on X (formerly Twitter). In the blog post, she expressed her pleasure in welcoming the assistance of US Treasury Secretary, Elizabeth Rosenberg, to Baghdad. She also mentioned that she is looking forward to holding important meetings with government leaders and officials in the Central Bank of Iraq.She stated that combating international money laundering and implementing banking reform could help fight corruption and promote foreign investment in Iraq.

Economic accusations pursue entities in the Central Bank: they are working to bring down the government through the dollar, 14 SEPT

 Economic accusations pursue entities in the Central Bank: they are working to bring down the government through the dollar

Economic accusations pursue entities in the Central Bank - they are working to bring down the government through the dollarInformation / Baghdad..

On Wednesday, economic expert Zia Mohsen accused parties within the Central Bank affiliated with internal and external agendas of working to fail the government of Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani by creating a state of instability in the dollar exchange rate.
Mohsen said in a statement to Al-Maalouma, “The measures taken by the Sudanese government regarding limiting the rise in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar since the appointment of a new governor of the Central Bank faced obstacles placed by parties within the Central Bank.”
He added, “There are parties working for internal and external agendas to thwart the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani by creating a dollar exchange rate crisis.”
He pointed out that “these parties have found new outlets for currency smuggling, including disbursing $30 million a day to travelers, in addition to the government’s ban, taking into account the views of specialists in the field of monetary policy.”
The exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar, in the local markets, are witnessing a state of instability, despite the many measures taken by the government and the Central Bank.