Thursday, September 14, 2023



Announcement of the public tender numbered (2023/5) for equipping, installing and operating Iraqi and foreign currency counting and sorting machines (dollars and euros) and currency packing machines for the Central Bank of Iraq / Kurdistan Region Branch / Erbil

The Central Bank of Iraq announces the conduct of a public and private tender to equip, install and operate machines for counting and sorting Iraqi and foreign currency (dollars and euros), number (30) and currency packing machines, number (4) machines for the Central Bank of Iraq / Kurdistan Region Branch / Erbil, according to the technical specifications and legal conditions stated . In the standard document for processing goods prepared by this bank At a total estimated cost of (650,000,000) Iraqi dinars (six hundred and fifty million Iraqi dinars), and from the planning budget of the Central Bank of Iraq for the year 2023.

(Why in May of 2023 the purchase of all this new equipment to count and sort money? Just asking…..hint,,,hint….)

More news….


Iraq aims to move forward with the implementation of the Nebras project, the largest petrochemical plant in the Middle East, and remove all obstacles and challenges that delayed the start of implementing the joint project with the international company Shell.

(Full article in in the article section)


Finally, this week we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are having breakthrough after breakthrough on some VERY GOOD news and today’s news is no exception. In parallel with the exposure and cleanup of the corruption within the U.S. government, we are slowly seeing a change in policy for Iraq. I quote from today’s article- “Iraqi Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, said that his country rejects the use of its territory to attack Iran, but it also rejects “threatening Iraqi sovereignty.”

I believe that the U.S. is slowly realizing, as Iraq has already done years ago, that the Barrack Obama plan for the economic reforms in Iraq is not going to work without first the liberalization of the dinar. So, as I normally do, I called my CBI contact to get an update on the situation in Iraq. What I was told was some very good news. This news stems around the new assignment just given to my contact on a team, recently put together that is responsible for supervising the rollout of the newer lower denominations and the redenomination process.

Why is this very good new?

First, it is telling me the implementation of the project to delete the zeros is so VERY CLOSE at hand;

Second, remember also this is my contact and so I can learn lots as this project proceeds forward. I will be able to get first-hand information that most will not be able to even get;

Third, I was told is will be moving forward in the coming days not months.   

On Tuesday the arrival of Assistant US Treasury Secretary Elizabeth Rosenberg to the capital, Baghdad. This visit was for the purpose of reviewing the progress in combating international money laundering, corruption and banking reforms all will support international investment in Iraq. This visit coincides with a sharp rise in the dollar exchange rate since the end of last week, as on Tuesday, the barrier of 155 thousand dinars was broken in the parallel market, against the backdrop of the arrest of many owners of financial companies that violated the instructions of the Central Bank.

Again I want to state that the re-education process has NOT yet been taking place. So I am still expecting this to begin very soon. Here is the highlights of the process I was told would be taking just prior and during the project to delete the zeros. . 

Why is this Re-Education Process Important to us?

I have talked about many times that it must take place prior to the Project to Delete the Zeros. So we them will know that this project is VERY close.

Then we know what comes next…don’t we? That’s the important part. Get it? 

I was told by my CBI contact many times that when this project to delete the zeros and to redenominate the dinar will not be a secret. It will be in the news media all over Iraq. So, where are the articles then? Where is the news media then if this has taken place?   

So, the newer lower denominations did not come out and are not in the ATMs. Get it? The Kurds are being paid and will need the ATM for petty cash so they can’t reset the machines yet. How will the citizens survive if they did at this point without the full redenomination happening concurrently?


I find it amazing some still dwell so much on these two questions. Is it your insecurity in your investment? Are you not sure you made the correct decision in purchasing these notes? I showed you proof already many times that the dinar, when reinstated, will NOT come out at the low program rate and then float slowly to something we want to see to exchange. Instead, it will be placed back on FOREX and by the time you hear about it, it may very well already be over $4. Remember at some point the IMF will cap it out and let it settle down. I heard this could be at about $9. The rate will not ever reach the Dr Shabibi stated $16 that he said it could “withstand”. Of course, this statement was from way back in 2012 and the wealth of the country has changed 21 years for the better. There is a much higher level of stability and security. Plus, many more banking and financial reforms have been implemented since. Dr Shabibi was going to reinstate first then “shoot at the hip” on the reforms later and this was his approach while, after his ousting, Iraq had to take a step back to implement many of the reforms first under a different long-term plan. Without Dr Shabibi at the helm of the CBI, his full plan may not have worked. However, the actual process to be taken at the very end remains the same and we are watching it all play out now, even more obviously since January of this year. 

Will we get out of 2023 without an RV? 

This is highly doubtful. Remember there is information I am not telling you that you have no business to know. I am only passing along about 65% of what I know. But I can assure you don’t doubt this investment and hang on to your dinar.

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