Thursday, September 14, 2023


Good morning everyone;

I have been in this a very long time. One thing for certain I have learned is no matter how many times I heard this was going, this was it, sadly it was not.

There is a lot of news and hype that we are there and this is it.

I would like to caution everyone to not get caught up in the hopium and hype. Keep living your life the best that you can and this will eventually happen.  It’s never been a matter of if but when.

So with that let’s look at what is positive to point out we are close: 

1. Iraq has been all about stability and security. They are right there now.

2. Iraq is a lynchpin to have this go and they appear to be finally complete on all that is required.

3. We have the US in Iraq now.

4. Iraq delegates come to the US Sept 18/19th

5. They have published their budget, all we need is their rate.

6. It looks like we should see their rate this month.

7. This has never been a date-driven occurrence, it was always event-driven.

8. Iraq is a driving force in this event.

So with this being said. We should see something definitive in September/October. However, I caution you all that there are always unforeseen circumstances that arise that could move that timing and it be pushed out further.

 For all those saying we are right there and it’s happening now, just use caution with all this information. I follow what is being done not what is being said. For it is being done globally in plain sight but you have to look.

 Don’t believe what all the gurus are saying as I am seeing so much misinformation. Massive amounts of disinformation right now. Remember to keep a level head and remain calm.
How do I remain calm, I do not get emotionally attached to this or to the outcome.

This is real and we will have this happen eventually. You already see with the BRICS how the financial world is changing.

Have a beautiful and glorious day! Peace, joy, love and happiness!

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