Friday, April 26, 2024

European Bank Backs Iraqi Business: Boost for Industrial and Agricultural Ventures, 27 APRIL

European Bank Backs Iraqi Business: Boost for Industrial and Agricultural Ventures

Baghdad witnessed a crucial meeting on Thursday, focusing on enhancing the Iraqi economy through significant support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, the President of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, hosted a delegation led by Hayka, the Executive Director of the EBRD's Middle East Region, and Thomas Seiler, the European Union Ambassador, among other notable attendees. The discussion centered on various strategies to bolster Iraq's economic sectors, with a keen interest in industrial and agricultural projects.

Strategic Discussions for Economic Growth

The engagement between Iraqi economic leaders and the EBRD delegation is a pivotal step towards revitalizing Iraq's core sectors. With an emphasis on industrial and agricultural development, the meeting explored avenues for financial support and collaboration that could spearhead the growth of the Iraqi economy. The presence of key figures such as Hayka and Ambassador Thomas Seiler underscores the European Union's commitment to fostering economic stability and growth in Iraq.

Empowering Iraqi Businessmen

The discussions highlighted the EBRD's readiness to extend crucial financial support to Iraqi businessmen. This initiative is aimed at financing projects that are vital for the local economy's sustainability and growth. By focusing on sectors deemed as priorities, the support from the European Bank is anticipated to catalyze significant advancements in Iraq's business landscape, offering a fresh impetus for economic development.

Future Implications and Economic Prospects

The collaboration between the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce and the EBRD marks a significant milestone in Iraq's economic recovery efforts. With the European Bank's support, Iraq stands on the cusp of a new era of industrial and agricultural prosperity. This partnership not only promises to enhance the local economy but also paves the way for further international cooperation and investment in Iraq, potentially setting a precedent for economic resilience and sustainability.



  Article: "The most difficult option... 

Warnings of the danger of floating the Iraqi dinar without achieving an important condition"   "hit" piece. Very poorly thought out and clearly indicates an ignorant author who does not understand economic processes and protocols, international finance, banking and transfer monies in an active productive society. 

 Clearly this writer attempted to use big words with unsubstantiated information and "no" back-up documentation other than...opinion . And, as stated, an ignorant one at that.


  Iraq did not JUST NOW begin their banking reforms. They also did not JUST NOW begin to do a study of their monetary reform, exchange rate, or otherwise. Let’s face it, I’m pretty sure there has never been anything like what Iraq is going through right now.  

There are no experts that have actually done this exact thing before.  It really is a monumental task that will have a global impact...Truth is happening. We are so far down this road now there is no turning back.

ISPI: Iraq is caught between domestic and regional challenges, 27 APRIL

ISPI: Iraq is caught between domestic and regional challenges

 Erdoğan’s visit to Baghdad and Erbil on April 22nd has once again placed the spotlight on Iraq, a country grappling with both regional and domestic challenges. Against the backdrop of deepening neighborly cooperation, Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid and Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani received the Turkish President, marking the first visit in over a decade. While Baghdad intends to elevate diplomatic relations with Turkey to address shared energy, water and security concerns, behind Ankara’s willingness to mend ties with Iraq mainly lays the goal of weakening the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

 Erdoğan’s visit also included a meeting with the President of the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), Nechirvan Barzani, and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)’s Prime Minister, Masrour Barzani, signaling Turkey’s interest in helping Baghdad solve controversies with the KRI. These include unaddressed oil disputes that still very much shape Baghdad’s relations with the KRG, which, in addition to having drastically cut off oil exports to Turkey, is increasingly suffering from the erosion of the KRI’s autonomy by the Tehran-influenced Baghdad’s government.

 In fact, Baghdad’s proximity to the Islamic Republic, is putting Iraq in an uneasy situation even at the regional level. Amidst escalating regional tensions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Arab country not to be dragged into Iran-Israel’s regional tensions, while also cautiously balancing Iranian and Western interests.

Despite rapprochement with Iraq, Turkey is still mainly committed to weaken the PKK

“Iraq and Turkey have a long list of reasons to maintain close ties in principle, such as water, energy, pipelines, roads, security and trade. Yet, Turkey’s main motive for the ongoing rapprochement is to reduce the fighting strength of the PKK, especially in Sinjar and Makhmour. Iraq, however, seeks better connectivity and trade. 

Baghdad has never been part of the conflict between Turkey and the PKK – and does not want to be. Iraq’s recent ban of the PKK looks like a confidence building measure, but it is mostly symbolic since Baghdad has limited authority in the KRI areas run by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan where the PKK operates. Without greater Turkish willingness to move ahead on agenda items that matter to Iraq, the current dialogue risks running into the habitual sands of Iraqi factionalism and Turkish overbearingness.”

(Erwin Van Veen, Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael)

The PMF is using coercion to undermine the autonomy of the KRG

“Baghdad has incrementally degraded the autonomy of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq under the instructions and influence of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). Indeed, it is no coincidence that Baghdad’s belligerent approach to the KRG has developed in tandem with the ascension and political prominence of the PMF, which dominates the Iraqi parliament and exercises significant influence over the Iraqi Prime Minister’s Office.

 With Iranian support, the PMF has engaged in negotiations with the KRG and its ruling party, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) through violent tactics and intimidation. The PMF has consequently scored several political and legal advantages, using its influence over the Supreme Court (which lacks constitutional legitimacy) to disrupt Kurdish oil exports. The Court has also removed Kurdistan’s allocation of parliamentary seats that the constitution reserves for religious minorities, a decision that could see the KDP boycott Kurdistan’s parliamentary elections. This boycott would mark the beginning of an Iranian-dominated political order in Iraq, one that has long been in the making.”

(Ranj Alaaldin, Associate Research Fellow, ISPI; Senior Research Fellow, Middle East Council on Global Affairs)

The oil dispute still broadly defines Baghdad-Erbil’s relations

“The oil dispute is playing once again a crucial role in the relations between Baghdad and Erbil. This is nothing new: ten years ago, in 2014, the central government reacted to the KRG’s independent oil export towards Turkey by freezing budget payments to Erbil.

 Throughout the past two years, the federal government has tried in several ways to centralize the control of the Kurdish oil sector, as exemplified by the 2023 budget law or by the recent ruling of the Supreme Court calling for Erbil to hand over all its oil and non-oil revenues to Baghdad. This dispute about the management of oil export and revenues is also hindering the reopening of the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline, halted since March 2023, with devastating economic consequences for Erbil. As a matter of fact, the solution of the pipeline dossier will tell us a lot about the evolution of the relations between Baghdad and Erbil.”

(Lorena Stella Martini, Research Fellow and MENA Coordinator, the Square – Mediterranean Centre for Revolutionary Studies)

To stay out of tensions Iraq must avoid being used as a launch-pad

“Iraqi territory is being used as a launch-pad for attacks on Israel. The number of attacks on Israel by Iran-backed militias in Iraq is escalating sharply and there have been 69 attacks on Israel by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq since November 2, 2023. For Iraq, it seems impossible to stay out of Iran-Israel tensions as many of the Iran-backed militias in Iraq are part of the Prime Minister’s Commission of the PMF, a formal branch of Iraq’s security forces. This means an Iraqi state agency is attacking a foreign country, seemingly without the permission of the commander-in-chief of Iraqi forces, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani. This is hardly an example of keeping Iraq out of the conflict, and nor is this an example of balancing Iranian versus Western interests. To allow these attacks from Iraqi’s territory is to pick a side in the crisis, and the apparent Israeli bombing of a PMF base south of Baghdad on April 20 is a warning shot that Iraq cannot stay neutral as long as its land is used to strike Israel.”

(Michael Knights, Jill and Jay Bernstein Senior Fellow, Washington Institute for the Near East Policy)

Al-Sudani’s government must prevent involvement in a regional war and secure US funds

“In addition to the legacy challenges that every Iraqi government faces, such as the domestic relations between Baghdad and Erbil, the challenges currently facing Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani are the prospects of being dragged into a broader regional war and the inaccessibility of profits from Iraq’s oil sales to New York. As Iraq is still in the transition phase of incorporating paramilitary groups within the state’s security apparatus, certain armed groups with a higher level of autonomy will continue to pose a challenge as long as the conflict in Gaza lingers. Concurrently, since the start of al-Sudani’s term, the US government has imposed stringent restrictions to Iraq on accessing funds in fear of US dollar smuggling to Iran. Therefore, al-Sudani’s government must continue to work out arrangements with the US Treasury while implementing its own fiscal reforms to access foreign reserves in USD.


 Nader From The Mid East

  Today I was watching the news.  I was watching Sudani in the street and it got me all excited.  Got me happy.  It's been a while we didn't see a leader who cares about the people, who cares about the country...He was walking in the street at least for 2 hours...It's great to see that.  He give confidence.  It gives hope.   I hope he continues like that...It's amazing what's going on in Iraq.  I love it.

This visit to United States it was really good.  All this contracts they signed...all these people want to go to Iraq to do business, start businesses.  It's great.  Now they have the ball in their hands so we see what they're going to do with it.  They're going to score or pass on the side again? 

Association of Private Banks appreciates government and central bank efforts to create understandings with Treasury, Federal Bank, World Bank, 26 APRIL

Association of Private Banks appreciates government and central bank efforts to create understandings with Treasury, Federal Bank, World Bank

Economy News – Baghdad

The President of the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, Wadih Al-Hanalal, participated in the Arab Economic Security Forum organized by the Union of Arab Banks in Beirut.

Al-Hanalad stressed that the forum is held in complex circumstances and geopolitical changes witnessed by the region, and the Arab banking sector began to be affected, starting with the State of Iraq, adding that Iraq still faces great challenges, at various economic levels, including depriving the Iraqi private banking sector of the use of the dollar, which exceeded half of the number of banks operating inside the country, which is a very dangerous indicator, despite the quest of Iraqi government and private institutions to comply with local and international anti-money laundering and terrorist financing laws, but for the first time we are witnessing a clear targeting of the sector that began to affect banking services inside the country, destabilizes the confidence of citizens, and hinders the expansion of financial inclusion.

He added that these challenges facing the banking sector reaffirm the prominent role played by the Union of Arab Banks, international organizations and Arab banks in coordinating positions and confronting threats together, pointing out that our meeting represents an opportunity for cooperation and agreeing on a road map for the future, as the targeting of the Iraqi banking sector will not stop within its borders, and may expand at any moment to other countries in light of regional unrest.

Al-Hanalal pointed out that the Association of Private Banks is working with the Iraqi government, the Central Bank and some local and international institutions, to save the banking sector, and the return of banks deprived of dealing in dollars to their activity, but this is not enough, but it requires continuing to cooperate with the Arab and foreign banking sector, because the stage of integrating the Iraqi banking sector with its Arab counterpart must begin quickly, and we are taking great steps in this direction, especially that His Excellency Prime Minister Engineer Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani held dialogues in Washington with the US President and other officials in the government, who announced in a joint statement the possibility of returning a group of Iraqi banks to deal in dollars and supporting the private banking sector.

Al-Hannal valued the efforts of the Iraqi government and the Central Bank of Iraq to create deeper understandings with international banks, the Federal Bank and the American Treasury to expand the integration of the Iraqi banking sector with the global financial system, in addition to supporting the Iraqi dinar, which led to a gradual increase in its value.

He pointed out that Iraq is witnessing a great development in the transition to e-government and the adoption of electronic payment, and this leads to the growth of the digital economy, especially since there is a trend inside the country to increase the number of electronic banks, to keep pace with technological development and increase performance.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel, 26 ABRIL

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-25-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:21:11

Transcribed By WiserNow 

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight, it is Thursday, April 25th and you're listening to the big call and I'm excited to be here. I'm really excited about the information that I plan to bring in my segment. And I'm also excited about what Sue is bringing tonight -  let's get right to that. And I'm not quite sure what Bob's going to talk about but I know it's going to be good. And I know it's going to be edifying to us, and it's going to help us and that's what matters the most. So let's do this. Let's open the call like we have every call the last 13 years. Let's pray the call in

Okay, let's see if we can get some intel out to everybody Bob, thank you.

Alright guys, here's where we are. you remember, on Tuesday night, I said they're going to try to get this done by the end of the week, which is sort of what they're doing.  We didn’t get anything today  - I knew that would happen this morning – we would not get it today - 

Well, let's say what we do have – people are interested in always in what's going on in Iraq -  and Iraq I heard from one of our Iraqi sources today - actually through a bond paymaster - and this came in and he said that starting Saturday, Iraq – he mentioned  Kurdistan -- Well, Kurdistan is the northernmost province in Iraq. Okay, kind of where the action is - where most of the oil exploration Is there – and everything -  he said Kurdistan will have an all new currency on Saturday. 

Well, it's not really just Kurdistan -   It's not just Kurdistan - it's all of Iraq.  And it is the new Iraqi dinar. We called it NID years ago, new Iraqi dinar and it's going to have an all new rate Saturday.  ;

Now, I don't know if they're gonna put their rate internationally on Saturday.  They might. They might put it in the Gazette with a budget or they might defer to Sunday - put out international rate - and maybe they put out the budget which has the rate in it On Sunday. I don't care which day they put it out.

But they should put it out where it is visible. And that's good – 

So what else is going on? Iraq is going to enter the World Trade Organization, the WTO on May 8th -  They have qualified to become a full fledge member of the WTO on May 8th 

 All right, what else?  The main information is – our understanding was  they need to get  us started before  Iraq has  their budget In the Gazette  or if they are not going to put in Gazzette - before coming out on Sunday. 

So that was pushing everything towards the end of this week. And that's what I kinda  mentioned I think on Tuesday.   But here's the good news --  we heard this morning from the redemption center, staff leader – at one of the redemption centers --  here in the US -  that we are – let’s rephrases -  they  - the staff is going  in tomorrow  - which is  Friday.

Three staff members sensibly going into the redemption center to be there - for the toll free numbers to come out - so they can set the appointments - Starting setting of appointments that would begin on Saturday.

We have the full fledged team at redemption centers going in on Saturday - and  multiple shifts - so they could begin to do exchanges and redemption of Zim on Saturday.

So – nothing today –Thursday should have numbers coming out Tomorrow, I do not know when - I don't have a time. - don't know when they're going to do it –

They should be sending out those emails through the Wells Fargo servers tomorrow, and then we should receive those -- call the regional call centers that we have and set our appointments for Saturday. 

That's the latest I’ve gotten  - It stayed current all through the day today with no change. I was always happy about that. You know what I said earlier I said you know all we need is for the intel that I have to be right one time especially on something like numbers coming out and setting appointments and exchanges right.  That's really what we've been looking forward to for forever.

Now, the other thing is for our Canadian listeners, They will also get an 800 number, and it may be the same 800 number  the rest of us have in the United States - 

And if it is great, they may take a number and use the regional call centers in Canada to run that same number through. I don't know that detail. I couldn't get confirmation on that. but evidently, this will be an 800 number for Canadian investors - let's call it - zim holders, currency holders.

So we'll see what happens on that.

The rest of the world you know, for fun, you realize HSBC is pretty much the lead bank internationally. - including Canada. – and in the US it's Wells Fargo, In Latin America, and I'm gonna call that as Mexico – down in Tierra del Fuego. I believe your lead bank is Banco Santander, Banco Santander Santander Bank.

They are in tier one bank. and of course that bank is out of Spain - and they have branches in Latin America. and I believe they are your they and HSBC, wherever those occur. are the go to banks for Latin America.

And, guys, I can only tell you that this is looking very good for us. I have to give you a caveat. As always, the information we get is subject to change, and so far – so good. Haven’t  heard anything today to take us off of this latest information that I'm giving you  - 

By the way there is no issue with Iraq and Iran? That's false. Everything is cool. with the so called nuclear situation that Iran has not an issue. that was a make That was a make believe thing.

Everything is moving along pretty well. Overall, I think globally, I can't tell you that everything is absolutely hunky dory and ready to go as far as GSR  GESARA is concerned.

I know that we can look forward to an announcement coming out of Africa by Charlie Ward - Any day now. And I think our US N currency our new dollar  - USN -  US note or new dollar  -I think will be out next week.  I don't know when it's not a big deal, it'll happen when it happens.

But we are looking very good right now. 

I feel like this is really a good place. I believe we're going to be good to go. We will see what actually happens. We'll actually see how this thing manifests to us. 

I'm hoping that this is our last big call going out. We will do some additional podcasts from time to time that we will record and put on an on a link, and included in an email. That's how we'll get in touch with you guys - it will be by the emails 

With the participation of the Association of Private Banks. Investment opportunities at the table of a Jordanian-Iraqi economic forum next May, 26 APRIL

With the participation of the Association of Private Banks. Investment opportunities at the table of a Jordanian-Iraqi economic forum next May

Economy News – Baghdad

The activities of the Economic Forum for Financial, Industrial and Commercial Partnerships between Iraq, Jordan and the region, organized by the Iraqi Business Council in Amman, will start on May 5, amid great official interest and wide participation from the public and private sectors in the two countries and countries of the region.

According to a statement by the Council, the work of the forum organized by the Council in cooperation with the Jordan and Amman Industry Chambers participates, and ministers of industry and electricity from Iraq, along with ministers from Jordan, business owners, investors and Arab and foreign companies, will open at the King Hussein Convention Center in the Dead Sea region.

The Forum is also attended by the National Investment Commission in Iraq, the Arab Businessmen Union, the International Investment Guarantee Agency and the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group, the Information and Communication Technology Companies Association (INTAJ), the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, the Jordanian Banks Association, the Jordanian Economic Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO), and the Jordanian Free and Development Zones.

The Council organizes the two-day forum, which is interspersed with a corporate exhibition, and bilateral meetings with decision-makers from the two countries, on the occasion of the Kingdom’s celebrations of the Silver Jubilee to receive His Majesty King Abdullah II his constitutional powers.

The forum’s working sessions revolve around the most prominent investment opportunities in Jordan and Iraq, the prospects of trade and industrial opportunities in the two countries, the vision of economic modernization, investment in Iraq, investment opportunities in the region, in addition to investment opportunities in the Jordanian free and development zones.

The sessions also revolve around the role of the banking sector in providing financial facilities to the sectors of industry, energy, mining, transport and infrastructure, the role of international institutions in providing financial financing for investment projects, and presenting success stories to Jordanian and Iraqi investment companies.

The forum seeks to promote regional integration by building economic interdependence, promoting cooperation in various sectors, building long-term partnerships, creating sustainable partnerships, deepening mutual understanding between participating countries, and building a common vision for the future of economic prosperity and development in the region.


 Gem Finch, [26/04/2024 12:38 PM]

You remember Tuesday Bruce said they would try to get this done by the end of the week – and that is kind of what they were doing.   What do we have -  - Iraq I heard from a source through a bond paymaster, he said starting Saturday  - Kurdistan a province in Northern Iraq will have a whole new currency as of Saturday and it will have an all new rate now I don’t know if it might be International Saturday or Sunday – but it should be visible. 

Iraq is going to enter the WTO on May 8th, 2024.  

What else  - the main information our understanding was they needed to get us started before Iraq has that budget in the Gazette or Sunday  - but here is the good news we heard this morning from RC staff leader here in the US –

 that they the staff are going in tomorrow with three staff members to be there for the Toll Free numbers to come out and set the appointments that would begin Saturday – the full fledged teams going in Saturday so they could do exchanges and Redemption of Zim on Saturday –

 so numbers tomorrow  - but I don’t know what time but WF servers should be sent out tomorrow and set our appointments for Saturday and it’s stay current today and with NO CHANGE  - and this only needs to be right ONE TIME.   Now the other thing is for our Canadian Listeners they will get an 800 number and it may be the same as ours  - 

there will be an 800 number for them and the rest of the world HSBC is the Lead Bank Internationally including Canada and Latin America is Banco Santander a Tier one bank out of Spain and they are in Latin America and they with HSBC are the banks to look for.   Guys I can only tell you this is looking very good for us – as always the information we get I’ve not heard of any changes YET – Iraq and Iran not an issue with nuclear issue and everything is moving along pretty good globally – not sure if everything is going well with Gesara – but we expect CW to have an announcement – but we are looking good.   And now Bruce is going on to talk about Sue and her new programme.

So dear ones that I’m sure is Bruce’s intel for us for today – now I’m sure he’ll be thanking the whole team  - Sue and Bob and GCK and Pastor Scott and Jeannie and Larry.   And ALL the Faithful listeners from around the world.    Also for sure praying out the call.   So please join with Bruce in that prayer, and as always keep praying and let’s pray pray pray with heartfelt intent  - but of course we will actually see now if this does manifest for us THIS TIME  - so with prayer and gratefulness for this Truly Heavenly Blessing we are NOW VERY SOON TO RECEIVE.    Also as Always – My Love ALWAYS to ALL OF YOU Gem,

Jon Dowling Weekly Wrap Up Latest Financial Updates

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 04/26/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 04/26/2024

Member: Happy Friday everyone

Member: Another week gone!!!! Almost another month gone!!! Groundhog day, groundhog week, groundhog month....

Member: Please let me retire this weekend. Not asking for much

​​Member: Market crash today?

Member: MarkZ, feeling super salty today. Hope you have something good.

MZ: We have a little more news out of Vietnam- they continue to crackdown on corruption: “Vietnam jails soft drink tycoon for eight years in $40M fraud case”  

MZ: Is this a communist crackdown or are they truly cleaning the system for a reset.? I am leaning toward they are cleaning the system to change the value of the VND.

MZ: “JP Morgan issues a dire warning about Biden Administrations  huge deficit spending”  This just happened again..and again….. 

Member: Yellen stating US economy is strong. Really, they are unbelievable !!!!

Member: so they propped up the failing stock market again?  Stocks are up not down. Rats still control .

Member: Yes- they are hard at work at propping up the Market today and almost like a JENGA tower and pull the wrong block don't be under it because you could be squashed like a bug

Member: Markz, did you see the article about the volcano in Antarctica spewing out gold worth $6,000 a day. Was planning to head over there, but I'll wait for the RV, it's safer.

Member: HSBC in Canada is now sold to RBC. Every branch I’ve seen in my local now has a RBC signage. Just at FYI

​​Member: Mark, did you hear about Florida putting forward legislation to abolish Property tax? That would be the first state with no property tax and no state income tax! #Nesara

Member: Are we getting our exchange 800 numbers today?

MZ: I think we are close but I do not think its today. 

Member: (From dinar Guru)  Guru DeepWoodz   Iraq did not JUST NOW begin their banking reforms. They also did not JUST NOW begin to do a study of their monetary reform, exchange rate, or otherwise. Let’s face it, I’m pretty sure there has never been anything like what Iraq is going through right now. There are no experts that have actually done this exact thing before.  It really is a monumental task that will have a global impact...Truth is happening. We are so far down this road now there is no turning back.

MZ:  I agree…….its common sense. 

Member:  When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up.

Member: it's going to be a GREAT weekend. Leastways, that's what my dreams last night kept telling me.

Member: Well last night I was dreaming it happened. I saw myself trading my currency for millions…then I also started trading French fries so not sure it was real!!!

Member: just imagine all the stories that will be written after all is said & done...esp. if writers are finally able to publish the truth for once!

Member: Let's do this ...Praying for this to be our weekend to start blessing Humanity and rebuild this Earth God blessed us with..

Member: Prayers and positive energy going up for everyone!!!!!!!!

Mod:  MarkZ's WEEKEND email address: Don't Write Me@NeverOnWEEKENDS.Com

Mr. Cottrell and CBD Guru’s join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 


After the visit of the Sudanese. Will the occupation forces get out?, 26 APRIL

  After the visit of the Sudanese. Will the occupation forces get out?

Information/report.Popular and political hopes were held on Sudanese's visit to Washington in order to remove the occupation forces from the country, while the Sudanese did not mention anything about the file during his video meeting with Biden, as well as Sudanese's favoritism by continuing the American dependency represented In equipping the army with American aircraft, and between supporters and opponents of the visit, its results remain the judgment

 So will we witness a schedule for the exit of US forces from Iraq or will the situation remain as it is.

The resistance factions did not stop resisting, but gave a deadline to the government to resolve the file politically, and in continuous statements by their leaders that their forces are ready in the event that political solutions end and America manipulates the agreements.

Speaking more about the subject, Ali al-Fatlawi, a member of the alliance, said that the resistance factions are still on guard in the event that the agreed US withdrawal does not take place, pointing out that "the stick belongs to those who stick "

Fatlawi said in a statement to the agency / Information / that "the exit of the US occupation from Iraq is necessary as it is a popular and political demand," pointing out that it was one of the most important files discussed by the Sudanese in Washington .He adds that, "Iraq has the stick and the carrot, and if the Sudanese fail to use the carrot, the resistance factions still keep the stick," noting that "whenever there is manipulation on the American side, the factions will use their strength to pressure again."

*Government dutyto that promised MP for the Conquest Alliance Suhaila Sultani, that the file of the exit of the Americans from Iraq is entrusted to the Iraqi government, noting that the House of Representatives has played its role to the fullest and says Sultani in a statement to the agency / information /, that "the House of Representatives has approved a law to prevent the presence of the United States and any foreign forces on Iraqi territory,"

Noting that "the scheduling is related to the government's negotiations with the American side in this file "She adds that, "Sudani's visit discussed this file in Washington and specialized committees have been formed to follow up on the matter, and the withdrawal will take place after the completion of negotiations by those committees."

Observers saw that the Sudanese in his recent visit to Washington had the pressure of the resistance factions as a trump card against the US occupation, which helped to force them to leave the country. 



I am as tired of sharing intel that doesn't materialize as you folks are of receiving it so all I will say is the banker was advised to have his appointment/exchange personnel available on Sunday the 28th just in case they decide to activate the rate increase so appointments can be scheduled.

Everything I am receiving is we are right there so just pray it in and prepare for what you will do in God's name .

  • Mon. 22 April Texas Snake: “The Iraqi Prime Minister returned to his country this past Monday and turned over to the head of the CBI to announce the pending revaluation of his nations currency.  The CBI provided the new rate to the IMF who in turn provided this rate to the FOREX which by policy has 72 hours from receipt to post for universal recognition for sometime Wed. 24 April.

Okie had some positive news earlier today, thought we would hear some indication of the new rate when the Premier returned to his country from his visit to the US, the banker is assisting his hospitalized wife in CA so very little news from him so I guess we wait for FOREX to open, but again sports fans we appear to be very close, so say your prayers tonight.

This may be a little longer post than usual as the powers that be do not wish to get anyone''s hopes up only to be disappointed when the RV does not come in.  Well I spent 40 years in the investment banking and financial planning industry which allows for a slight advantage in researching certain areas of the acknowledged resources regarding money and securities.  Those areas being the IMF, FOREX, WTO, etc, etc.  

The Prime Minister returned to his country on this past Monday, he turned over to the head of the CBI to announce the pending revaluation of his nations currency.  The CBI provided the new rate to the IMF who in turn provided this rate to the FOREX which by policy has 72 hours from receipt to post for universal recognition which will be sometime between now and Wednesday 4/24/2024 by 7:00 PM.  

Since both the Gazette and the IMF rate schedules are published on Wednesday each week we can assume should there be a revaluation we should receive that news during this window.  Don't get excited or make any serious decisions but please stay calm and watch the next few days as we seem to be this close.  GOD Bless

Texas Snake, [04/22/2024, 10:25:30 p. m.]:

About 10 more minutes then I need to close

Will try to illistrate that tomorrow

Yes he uses a CBI Debit card to purchase items in Beeville and he discovered the exchange rate on a recent purchase equaled $3.90 US for his Dinar value up substantially from before the in country RV

Well folks will come back with anything new GOD Bless






Gem Finch, [04/26/2024 12:38 PM]

  Remember on Tuesday Bruce said they would try to finish this by the end of the week, and that's pretty much what they were doing? What we have? - Iraq. I heard it from a source through a bond payer, she said as of Saturday. - Kurdistan, a province in northern Iraq, will have a completely new currency starting Saturday and will have a completely new rate now that it doesn't. I know if it could be international Saturday or Sunday, but it should be visible. Iraq will join the WTO on May 8, 2024.

What else? The main information we understood was that they needed to get started before Iraq has that budget in the Gazette or on Sunday, but here's the good news we heard this morning from RC Staff Leader here in the US – that the staff will come in tomorrow with three staff members to be there for the toll-free numbers to go out and set up appointments which would start on Saturday – full teams will come in on Saturday so we can do trades and Zim Redemption on Saturday, then numbers tomorrow, but no I know what time, but the WF servers should ship tomorrow and schedule our appointments for Saturday and they will stay up to date today and WITHOUT CHANGES, and this only needs to be right ONCE.

Now the other thing is that our Canadian listeners will get an 800 number and it may be the same as ours - there will be an 800 number for them and the rest of the world HSBC is the leading bank internationally, including Canada and Latin America. Banco Santander is a top-tier bank outside of Spain and is in Latin America and together with HSBC they are the banks to look for. Guys, I can only tell you that this is looking very good for us – as always, according to the information we receive, I have STILL not heard of any changes – Iraq and Iran are not a problem with the nuclear issue and everything is going pretty well globally – not sure if all is well with Gesara, but we hope the CW has an announcement, but we look good. And now Bruce will move on to talk about Sue and her new show.

  Dear ones, I'm sure that's Bruce's information for us today; now I'm sure he will thank the entire team: Sue, Bob, GCK, Pastor Scott, Jeannie and Larry. And ALL the Faithful listeners around the world. Also sure praying the call. So please join Bruce in that prayer and as always keep praying and let's pray, pray, pray with sincere intent, but of course we'll see now if this manifests for us THIS TIME, so with prayer and thanks for this Truly Heavenly Blessing. WE ARE ALREADY VERY READY TO RECEIVE. Also as always – My love ALWAYS to ALL OF YOU Gem,



Pinzón de gema, [26/04/2024 12:38 p.m.]

¿Recuerdas que el martes Bruce dijo que intentarían terminar esto para el final de la semana, y eso es más o menos lo que estaban haciendo? ¿Qué tenemos? - Irak. Lo escuché de una fuente a través de un pagador de bonos, dijo a partir del sábado. - Kurdistán, una provincia en el norte de Irak, tendrá una moneda completamente nueva a partir del sábado y tendrá una tasa completamente nueva ahora que no. Sé si podría ser sábado o domingo internacional, pero debería ser visible. Irak ingresará a la OMC el 8 de mayo de 2024. 

¿Qué más? La información principal que entendíamos era que necesitaban para comenzar antes de que Irak tenga ese presupuesto en la Gaceta o el domingo, pero aquí están las buenas noticias que escuchamos esta mañana de Líder del personal de RC aquí en los EE. UU. – que el personal vendrá mañana con tres miembros del personal para estar allí para que salgan los números gratuitos y establezcan las citas que comenzarían el sábado – los equipos completos entrarán el sábado para poder hacer intercambios y Redención de Zim el sábado, entonces los números mañana, pero no sé a qué hora, pero los servidores de WF deberían enviarse mañana y programar nuestras citas para el sábado y se mantendrán actualizados hoy y SIN CAMBIOS, y esto solo necesita tener razón UNA VEZ.   ;

Ahora, la otra cosa es que nuestros oyentes canadienses obtendrán un número 800 y puede que sea el mismo que el nuestro: habrá un número 800 para ellos y el resto del mundo HSBC es el banco líder a nivel internacional, incluidos Canadá y América Latina. Banco Santander es un banco de primer nivel fuera de España y está en América Latina y junto con HSBC son los bancos a buscar. Chicos, solo puedo decirles que esto pinta muy bien para nosotros – como siempre, según la información que recibimos, TODAVÍA no he oído hablar de ningún cambio – Irak e Irán no son un problema con el tema nuclear y todo va bastante bien a nivel mundial – no estoy seguro Si todo va bien con Gesara, pero esperamos que CW tenga un anuncio, pero nos vemos bien. Y ahora Bruce pasará a hablar sobre Sue y su nuevo programa.
Queridos, estoy seguro de que es la información de Bruce para nosotros para hoy; ahora estoy seguro de que agradecerá a todo el equipo: Sue, Bob, GCK, el pastor Scott, Jeannie y Larry. Y TODOS los Fieles oyentes de todo el mundo. También seguro rezando el llamado. Así que por favor únanse a Bruce en esa oración y, como siempre, sigan orando y oremos, oremos, oremos con intención sincera, pero, por supuesto, veremos ahora si esto se manifiesta para nosotros ESTA VEZ, así que con oración y agradecimiento por esta Bendición Verdaderamente Celestial. YA ESTAMOS MUY PRONTO PARA RECIBIR. También como siempre – Mi amor SIEMPRE para TODOS USTEDES Gem,

Parliament Talks About The Mechanism For Recovering Smuggled Funds And Hints At The Next Stage, 26 APRIL

 Parliament Talks About The Mechanism For Recovering Smuggled Funds And Hints At The Next Stage

 Politics |Today, 14:07 |  Baghdad today – Baghdad Today, Thursday (April 25, 2024), the Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed that there is ongoing work to recover all Iraqi funds smuggled abroad, while indicating that the

 next stage will witness the recovery of funds and more fugitives on charges of corruption and others.

Committee member Ghareeb Al-Muradli told “Baghdad Today” that

 “there are real efforts by the Iraqi government in addition to the Federal Integrity Commission to recover Iraqi money smuggled as a result of corruption operations, and

 this is very possible because of international cooperation in this file.” Al-Muradli stated,

 "Iraq has good international relations, and through these relations it is able to track its money and follow up on those wanted by it on corruption charges," adding,

 "For this reason, it was able during the last period to arrest a number of fugitives." He stressed that

 "the next stage will witness the recovery of funds and more fugitives on charges of corruption and other charges."

 It is noteworthy that the Parliamentary Integrity Committee commented, Thursday (March 28, 2024), on the activities of the Iraq Assets Recovery Fund and the slowness in recovering that money and some of those accused of fleeing on corruption charges or belonging to the previous regime.

Committee member Duraid Jameel told “Baghdad Today” that

 “there is great and important work for the Iraq Money Recovery Fund and

there is a noticeable increase in the activities of this fund,” adding:

 “But the slowness is not on the part of the Iraqi side, but rather on the part of countries, some of which are procrastinating in Implementing what Iraq demands.” Jamil stated,

  “There are major legal and technical procedures undertaken by the Iraq Assets Recovery Fund, in order to recover smuggled funds or recover some of the fugitive defendants on corruption charges and others,

 but the routine procedures by those countries are what delayed the resolution of many of these activities.”

 A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee added,

 "There is no accurate figure for the sums of money smuggled from Iraq abroad, whether through corruption operations or other funds of the former regime,

 but there are government efforts being made to recover all that money, and there are practical steps in this regard."

 Estimates indicate that the funds smuggled abroad amount to approximately $350 billion over the past twenty years, while

the Integrity Commission is working to recover some of the funds from other countries or recover the accused, but

some countries refuse to recover some of the corruption funds smuggled over the past years because they have entered into the economic cycle or Existing projects in those countries, according to observers.البرلمان-يتحدث-عن-الية-استعادة-الأموال-المهربة-ويلمح-الى-المرحلة-المقبلة.html