Egypt operates a trade line with Iraq and Jordan to transport goods to Europe and America, 29 JAN

 Egypt operates a trade line with Iraq and Jordan to transport goods to Europe and America

The Egyptian Ministry of Transport has operated the first phase of the Arab integrated multimodal logistics trade line between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq, to serve the transport of goods in the Gulf countries to the ports of European and American countries.

Goods pass through the connection between the ports of Aqaba and Nuweiba on the Gulf of Aqaba, including by land – currently – through Sinai through the Nuwayba road, and from there to the ports of Al-Arish, East Port Said, Damietta and Alexandria, which is the land part of the Taba Al-Arish Logistics corridor, in order to exploit direct maritime services between Egyptian, European and American ports, through the Egyptian Ministry of Transport in cooperation with the Iraqi and Jordanian ministries of transport.

Goods are transported through trucks from Iraq and Jordan to the port of Aqaba in Jordan, then the trucks cross freely inside the ships to the port of Nuweiba, then by land through the Nuweiba road, the tunnel passing through Sinai to reach the ports of East Port Said, Damietta and Alexandria, and then shipped in ships to European and American ports.

The Taba-Al-Arish – Bir Al-Abd Railway – Al-Fardan Railway is being constructed with a length of 500 kilometers, to increase the volume of goods targeted for transport from the Gulf, Iraq, Jordan and Jordan to Europe and America within the second phase of the integrated Arab Trade Line, and trucks in the ports of Nuweiba and Taba will be replaced by railway trains, which increases goods through railway lines that connect with all Egyptian ports.

It was operational at the beginning of January 2024, as Egypt amended all the necessary customs legislation to facilitate and increase direct international transit movement through the Egyptian state through the infrastructure of ports and road and railway networks. The Egyptian Ministry of Transport also joined the “Tir” and “Vinna 1968” agreements, which facilitate the entry of foreign trucks to cross inside Egyptian territory in the shortest possible time.

The line is the fastest in arrival time, the least expensive and the easiest in procedures and opportunities, and it also contributed to the link between Jordan, Iraq and the Gulf countries, through the Nuweiba seaport to the Egyptian ports overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and from there to the European market.

For his part, the Egyptian Minister of Transport, Lieutenant General Kamel Al-Wazir, confirmed, according to the Egyptian Day Seven, that the operation of this line came based on coordination between the Egyptian Ministry of Transport and the Jordanian and Iraqi ministries of Transport through the strategic partnership with the Arab Bridge Shipping Company. Its operation also comes in light of the directives of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Republic, to transform Egypt as a center for global trade and logistics, and the implementation by the Ministry of Transport, an integrated plan for the development and development of international multimodal transport hubs (land – railway – river – sea) and within the framework of the Taba- Al-Arish logistics corridor, which is currently being implemented within 7 integrated international development corridors.



The Prime Minister confirms that Iraq is moving towards major development and strategic projects and productive economic partnerships

1/25/2024   Baghdad

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed on Thursday that Iraq is moving towards major development and strategic projects and productive economic partnerships.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received, this evening, Thursday, a delegation of secretaries and governors of Arab capitals headed by the Secretary-General of the Arab Cities Organization, Abdul Rahman Hisham Al-Asfour, and Al-Sudani welcomed the The meeting began with the Arab guests and their meeting that was held in Baghdad after a break that lasted more than three decades, stressing Baghdad’s permanent readiness and ability to host all its guests, whether they are Arab brothers or friends.

The Prime Minister affirmed – according to the statement – “Iraq is moving towards major development and strategic projects and productive economic partnerships,” noting that “the government in Iraq has placed as its top priority the comprehensive improvement of Baghdad and the rest of Iraqi cities, as well as openness to the successful experiences of brothers and friends, in Regarding reliance on technology and advanced methods for urban development and all service sectors.”

Al-Sudani stated, “At a time when we are searching for the best ways to develop and advance our cities, Gaza stands out before us because of the systematic destruction and devastation it is suffering from, and the lack of the most basic means of livelihood, due to the aggression and inhumane crimes committed by the occupation authorities against our Palestinian people there.” He reiterated his support for “establishing a fund to support and reconstruct the Gaza Strip after the cessation of the aggression, which is the initiative launched by Iraq during the 2023 Cairo Peace Summit, which was held last October, and was greatly welcomed.”  LINK

The border wall between Syria and Iraq is ready. FM Cut Tape (Photos), 29 JAN

The border wall between Syria and Iraq is ready. FM Cut Tape (Photos)

Anbar – 964

The Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, announced on Sunday the completion of the Conkriti border wall between Iraq and Syria in the Baguz region, cutting the opening tape.Photos from the Iraqi-Syrian border: The concriti wall between al-Qaim and Baghouz

The minister’s media stated in a statement, the network received 964 copies of which:

The Minister of Interior, Mr. Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, inaugurates today, Sunday, the Conkrit Wall, which was erected in the Al-Baghouz area on the Iraqi-Syrian border strip, in the presence of the commander of the border forces and a number of security leaders. The Concriti wall is part of a series of large security fortifications conducted by the Ministry of Interior to strengthen border security, which contributed to controlling the security of the Iraqi-Syrian border, preventing smuggling operations and combating terrorist gangs of ISIS.
The minister toured a number of security points of the border pieces deployed there, praising the efforts of the border forces leadership as they are the first line of defense for Iraq.



Frank26 » January 28th, 2024


Beha_Saleh…on the citizen’s confidence in banks: It is still fading!


Has the Central Bank of Iraq achieved sufficient reforms to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar?

The price difference between the official and the parallel is still the same, and the citizen’s confidence in the banks is still in place!   LINK

Al-Sudani stresses that beneficiaries of electronic payment will not be burdened with any additional financial burdens, 29 JAN

Al-Sudani stresses that beneficiaries of electronic payment will not be burdened with any additional financial burdens

Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired, this Sunday morning, a meeting devoted to completing government procedures for switching to electronic payment, and stressed that the beneficiaries of electronic payment will not be burdened with any additional financial burdens.

The meeting was attended, according to a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, by the Governor of the Central Bank, the Prime Minister’s advisors for strategic, economic and banking affairs, the Director General of Payments at the Central Bank, and the directors of a number of government banks.

The meeting discussed mechanisms for protecting citizens and preserving their rights, as Al-Sudani stressed that citizens who benefit from electronic payment should not be burdened with any additional financial burdens or added commissions, especially in daily transactions and simple regular payments.

Al-Sudani stressed the importance of accelerating the procedures for switching to payment by electronic cards, in various public and private sector institutions, as the meeting witnessed a discussion of the commissions that will be charged by banking entities, in order to achieve the government’s goals in reforming the financial and banking sectors.



Next Steps – Days, Weeks, Months

— Steps to Take After Appointment —

– Quickly reinvest into precious metals, silver, gold, copper, platinum, etc.
– Quickly reinvest into digital assets, XRP, XLM, XDC, ALGO, IOTA, etc.
– Setup a family trust if you have not yet done so already.
– Setup a trust specifically for our humanitarian project(s) if you have not yet done so already.
– Deposit funds into an interest bearing savings account. Preferably above 5% APY.
– Consider setting up a 2nd savings account at a separate bank/credit union for redundancy.
– Setup separate savings/checking accounts for your children/grandchildren.
– Pay off any additional debts owed that may not go away with NESARA.
– Quit our (just over broke) job and retire. Build your dream, not someone else’s
– Take care of any family debts or obligations you may have.
– Buy/build our dream motorcycle, car, house, boat, etc. #YOLO
– Invest in security measures. (A safe for our home, security system, dogs, sidearm, etc.)
– Go on a much needed family vacation. We all deserve to go on one!
– Pay off/pay our kids college tuition (some still put a “value” on indoctrination degrees).
– Get our health back! Med bed appointment? Enroll in a gym? Hire a personal trainer?
– Write up a bucket list if you have not done so.
– Start blessing others on our list: (Family, friends, co-workers, homeless, etc.)
– Finalize our humanitarian project(s) in a more detailed business plan if not done so.
– Get started on our humanitarian project(s). Taking the necessary steps to see it through.
– Identify whom we will need on our humanitarian team(s) and begin reaching out to them.
– If you still have an affinity for the stock market, stocks should be at all time lows as well.
– Identify more ways to create passive income (invest in real estate, rentals, small biz, etc.)
– Connect with our Telegram groups live in person as we all are now the new 1% club.
– Form strategic partnerships, alliances, humanitarian teams that balance and benefit each other.
– Continue to stay plugged into the friendships formed here and keep up to date on latest intel.

*Feel free to add your own steps to the list. This is not a step-by-step TO DO list for everyone. Take what resonates with you and discard the rest. These are just a few things to consider to cover your ass, and to make sure we build sustainable wealth and don’t blow our blessings.

~ Submitted by Bonnie via email

Iraq achieves more than $8 billion in oil sales within a month, 28 JAN

 Iraq achieves more than $8 billion in oil sales within a month

Shafaq News/ The Ministry of Oil announced, on Sunday, that the total oil exports and financial revenues achieved for last December exceeded 8 billion US dollars, according to the final statistics issued by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO).

The ministry said in a statement today that the amount of crude oil exports was (108) million (56) thousand and (590) barrels, with revenues amounting to (8) billion (311) million and (34) thousand dollars.

The statistics indicated that the total quantities of crude oil exported for the month of December from the oil fields in central and southern Iraq amounted to (107) million and (592) thousand and (532) barrels, while exports to Jordan were (464) thousand and (58) barrels. .

According to statistics, the average price of one barrel reached $76,914.

The Ministry continued that the exported quantities were loaded by (44) international companies of several nationalities, from the ports of Basra, Khor Al-Zubair, and single buoys, and from the Turkish port of Ceyhan and the modern Kirkuk warehouse, by tanker trucks.



Telegram post

Forwarded from Travis Wilson:

Forwarded message from Lisa Texas

The alliance is using ZIM to fund the QFS. There’s more gold (and diamonds) under Zimbabwe than we can fathom. It was mined back when it was called Rhodesia.

 The mine was shut down in wait for our consciousness to rise. ZIM is and has been the most undervalued of all foreign currencies. 

It was decided that ZIM (once revalued) would be a great tool to fund humanitarians who reached the consciousness-level of this information.

The Central Bank of Iraq decides to restore the mechanism for financing Iraq’s foreign trade, starting next March, 28 JAN

 The Central Bank of Iraq decides to restore the mechanism for financing Iraq’s foreign trade, starting next March

The Central Bank said in a letter addressed to the banks, and seen by NRT Arabic, that for the purpose of organizing financing operations for requests to enhance external balances, it was decided to implement the new requirements and mechanisms starting from March 1, 2024.

He added that banks wishing to enhance their balance with correspondent banks in all currencies should appoint an external auditor for the purposes of reviewing transfers in advance of the process of sending transfers. Banks wishing to enhance the balance must provide us with information about the names of the companies they wish to contract with within a maximum period of February 29, 2024.

The statement stressed that requests to strengthen the dollar are for banks that hold correspondent accounts with an American bank exclusively, at a price of 1310.

He stated that strengthening currencies other than the dollar will accept applications at the banks of the currency country, provided that the classification of these banks is either the same as the country’s classification or only one rank lower than it, in a way that is consistent with Iraq’s import requirements from those countries.



  90% of Iraq's exports are in oil... Remember Iraq wants to be competitive in the trade market.  Increases in their exchange rate would cause the items they are exporting to go up in cost.  Since 90% of the exports is oil, this is different...

An increase in Iraq's exchange rate could lead to a stronger Iraqi dinar relative to other currencies.  This would mean for each unit of oil sold, Iraq would receive more foreign currency. 

 Iraq's revenues from oil exports could potentially rise.  So they can increase their exchange rate and what they could do to balance that increase in their exchange rate is either increase or decrease their oil production ...

We also know their foreign currency reserves have increased to $115 billion.  Increasing the exchange rate would also increase their currency holding, which is good because they can us that to protect the Iraqi dinar.  Increasing the exchange rate would benefit Iraq big time. 



 I know people are stressed out. I know it is close to end of January and people are stressed. I want to tell you something: Wolverine was right! The funds were released! I was on call with the Admirals group, and lawyers associated with Michael Rubin. 

The funds have been released to the paymaster accounts.

 The notifications will be going out to the whales, and the payment will be released way before the end of the month. 

 The payments will go directly onto the QFS account. They told me, “Wolvie nothing is going to stop this now..” 

Again, guys, I am  just letting you know, Wolverine is right! No matter what people say. hold on!  

We are close to the end of this.

 we will be blessed. We will celebrate. Lots happening behind scenes. This is just a short and sweet call to confirm what I said before! Have a beautiful day. It will be about 90 degrees here today!   

Thanks guys, Wolverine

Forwarded from Wolverine:

Thursday January 25, 2024
Rubem BAZ: He says
15:22 P.M.

Finished last night, all 86 platforms are now loaded with money and ready to launch. We expect the official launch any day now.

RENO says it’s all ready and waiting for the gold-backed dollar to be introduced (last night at 4:47 AM)! *

15:22: Sie sind gestern Abend fertig geworden, alle 86 Plattformen sind jetzt mit Geld geladen und startbereit. Wir erwarten jeden Moment die official Veröffentlichung. Reno sagt, alles sei bereit and warte nur auf die Einführung des goldgedeckten Dollars (gesten Abend um 04:47 Uhr)! *

15:54: Things are confirmed to go live tomorrow, but around the world the first payment runs will take place from Monday; 01/29/2024 15:00 CET / 09:00 USA New York Time

15:54: Obviously getting started means government first, then businesses and individuals. If they are finished before 15.02.2024 we can be happy. *

Al-Awadi: The Prime Minister pledged to end the international coalition’s mission in Iraq during his government term, 28 JAN

 Al-Awadi: The Prime Minister pledged to end the international coalition’s mission in Iraq during his government term

Government spokesman, Bassem Al-Awadi, confirmed on Sunday that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani had made a pledge that the coalition’s mission would end during his current government term.

Al-Awadi said in a press statement, “The launch of the work of the joint supreme military committee between Iraq and the international coalition is a very big dream, as the international coalition was established in 2014 and military operations ended in 2018, and since that history the coalition has been present inside Iraq,” indicating that “from “It is appropriate to begin studying the future of the alliance and develop an agreed-upon road map to move to a new phase of bilateral cooperation instead of the alliance.”

He added, “After years of liberation, the mission of the international coalition needs to be discussed and examined in terms of what the international coalition has provided at the level of studying threats and risks and developing the combat, training, intelligence and armament capabilities of the Iraqi forces so that they can carry out their national duty to protect Iraqi land,” noting that “this cannot The alliance is to remain indefinitely.”

He stated, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani referred at the Davos conference to two important issues in two very prominent addresses, where he said ending the international coalition’s mission is necessary for the stability of Iraq. He also said ending the international coalition’s mission is necessary for the survival and building of a positive friendship relationship with the coalition forces,” pointing out that “ The two goals are Iraqi stability and positive, equal relations with the countries of the international coalition, and also the implementation of the government program, considering that ending the mission of the international coalition was one of the points of the government program to which the government made previous pledges.”

He stated that “the dialogue began between the international coalition forces and the Iraqi government under the auspices of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, as the end of the international coalition’s mission in Iraq was set on track,” explaining that “the prime minister made a pledge that the coalition’s mission will end during the term of his current government, and this is what will be done.” “And it is achieved.”

He stated that “when the Iraqi governments gave authorization to the international coalition since June 2014 and to our current government, therefore all successive Iraqi governments did not recognize the presence of combat forces on Iraqi territory, but rather were dealing with so-called advisors representing the international coalition forces,” pointing out that “part One way to achieve the end of the coalition forces’ mission is to not keep any forces on Iraqi territory and move to a new phase of military and security cooperation.”

He stated that “all tasks related to the international coalition forces are transferred to the Iraqi armed forces, and we move to bilateral relations and agreements, including the strategic framework agreement or bilateral relations that will be imposed by the circumstances of the stage with the international coalition countries.”



"Since June, the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued seven general licences authorising certain business activities or transactions with Venezuela, including those relating to the export of liquefied petroleum gas (General License 40B), gas sector operations (General License 44), the state-run mining company Minerven (General License 43) and the state-run airline Conviasa (General License 45A)."

This releasing of sanctions is creating opportunities for traders on the market that once was prohibited. 

The country's control of the largest crude oil Market makes this country's Energy and Marine sector of the markets very appealing. 

This will create new demands on the Venezuela Bolivar as this year progresses.

 These demands will create opportunities for people in the Forex Market to capitalize on price pressures pushing new volumes and new values going forward. 

© Goldilocks

The Sudanese advisor reveals to “Al-Ma’louma” the size of Iraq’s internal debt, 28 JAN

 The Sudanese advisor reveals to “Al-Ma’louma” the size of Iraq’s internal debt

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, revealed the size of the Iraqi government’s internal debt, while indicating the reasons for the accumulation of this debt.

Saleh said, in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, that “Iraq and during the previous years extending between 2014 and 2021, its economy was exposed to two major shocks,” indicating that “the first shock was financial and security, as a result of the country’s exposure to the threat of ISIS terrorist gangs, in addition to the war that “Iraq won over terrorism.”

He added, “The second shock was financial-health, as a result of the Corona pandemic and the decline in oil price revenues at the same time; due to the sharp cycle of oil assets and the loss of a barrel of oil in both shocks of approximately 40% of its estimated revenues as revenues for the general budget.”

The Sudanese financial advisor explained that “the internal public debt in Iraq as a result of these two shocks amounted to approximately 73 trillion dinars,” pointing out that “these reasons prompted the financial authority to borrow from the government banking market, mostly by issuing treasury bonds or annual treasury transfers carrying an average Interest of about 3%.

The issue of the size of the Iraqi government’s foreign debt raises many questions about the reason for its non-payment, even though the government has a comfortable financial surplus and a large reserve of hard currency.



IMO a lot of promises were made by Sudani in Davos.  Today Sudani uses more new words to describe to the citizens that the time to wait for the reinstatement of their currency and new exchange rate is shorter than it's ever been before.  It's shorter than a step stool with the legs of a corgi dog...these are exciting times.

The problem is we don't know if we will be able to participate in the float.  We don't know how much time they are gong to give us to turn in the 3 zero notes.  Let's see what happens.

Article:  " The Central Bank monitors the misuse of electronic payment cards outside Iraq 


 Is there a lot of dinars out there?

  no.  The CBI doesn't sell dinars anymore.  They stopped about 6 years ago.  The demand is great now, look at Davos.  So as soon as it floats in the basket the supply and demand is going to move that rate very quickly...

A parliamentary move to legislate a law requiring American forces to leave Iraq, 28 JAN

A parliamentary move to legislate a law requiring American forces to leave Iraq

Information / Baghdad..
Member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, MP Karim Aliwi, confirmed today, Sunday, work on legislating a law obligating American forces to leave Iraq.

Aliwi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The members of the House of Representatives who signed the inclusion of a legislative paragraph regarding the withdrawal of international coalition forces, including American forces, aim to give the government and the Iraqi negotiator the legal and constitutional power to schedule the complete withdrawal of those forces.”

He added, “Collecting more than a hundred signatures to include a paragraph demanding the enactment of a law for the withdrawal of coalition forces, including American forces, will give the government and the Iraqi negotiator legal and constitutional power during the negotiations that began in Baghdad recently.”

He pointed out that “the demand to legislate the law is a popular demand due to the American forces not adhering to the controls for which they were present, as they increased the number of their forces without the knowledge of the Iraqi side.”

Aliwi pointed out that “the American forces are carrying out hostile actions against the security forces and the Iraqi people, which has made them occupation forces and must be expelled by all means from Iraqi territory.”

The representative of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Faleh Al-Khazali, confirmed to “Al-Ma’louma” that 100 parliamentary signatures had been collected to legislate the law removing foreign forces, including American forces, from Iraq.



 I think the dinar is going to revalue.  I think it's great.  It's a great opportunity.  A lot of it has to do with its foreign currency reserves which is in the US dollar.  It [Iraq's] is one of the biggest in the world.

"What is Iraq waiting for at this point [to RV]? 

No body knows...When [Senator] McCain was around those were the heavy hitters.  Those were the guys I would listen to.  This was nothing 'official' but these guys knew what was going on, 'you want to be in the dinar.'  I have some very good friends who didn't buy it and they talked to McCain and he said you better buy this currency. 

 According to them, it should have happened by now.  I still hang out with the same group and to this day nobody knows why Iraq has not pulled the trigger yet.  What's strange is back in the day Iraq didn't talk about it that much, now they talk about it all the time.  Whatever the CBI is looking at, it's starting to look like they need to be there. 

Question: "Why do the [Iraqi] citizens want to keep using the dinar when the value is so low?"  

 Not everybody has access to the US dollar for one thing.   #2 It's artificially low.  A lot of Iraqi's know this.  They know what's  going on.

  There's nothing they can do about it.  That's one of the things, if you watch the parliamentary elections of Iraq one of  the number one campaign promises all these guys make is we're going to add value to the dinar.  They know it's artificially low.    [They look around and think] we're selling more energy, the price per barrel is more, we have more customers and yet the dinar is  [worthless] and we're all running around in poverty.  

Question:  "When it does revalue, when do we get out?  How long do we wait?" 

 That depends on your own needs.  Are you trying to get a house?  Are you trying to pay off a loan?  What is it because once you hit that number get out.  Or if it doesn't go up to that number - Let's say you're trying to make...$250,000 and you realize the investment is only going to get you about $180,000, then get out!   Diversify.  Get into something else.  Don't just stick around.

The only way you can answer those questions is you have to put a piece of paper down and realistically what is it that you want.  You have to be realistic about it.  

You can't say the first thing is I'm going to start off with a $50 million dollar mansion.  Don't be stupid...Let's be a little more practical.  A home over your head, debt free, for you and your family...then you can go for the big stuff.  Your investments are based on that...what it is you want.

The framework calls on the government and parliament to put an end to American attacks and sanctions, 28 JAN

 The framework calls on the government and parliament to put an end to American attacks and sanctions

Information / Baghdad…
Representative of the Coordination Framework, Thaer al-Jubouri, confirmed on Sunday that Washington’s placing some national figures on the sanctions list is merely a measure of the Iraqi parliament’s pulse and a statement of its position in order to use this card against other figures, pointing to the importance of the government’s intervention to put pressure on the American side to resolve this issue.

Al-Jubouri told Al-Maalouma, “The American side’s use of sanctions against some figures and representatives is a test of the pulse of Parliament, the people in general, and the Iraqi resistance.”

He added, “Parliament’s silence and failure to protest America’s actions and sanctions will affect other figures, whether through the sanctions paper or any other measures taken by Washington against influential national figures.”

He stated that “there is an urgent need for the government to move towards the American embassy regarding the sanctions file and the repeated American attacks against the Iraqi people and security services.”



 [via WiserNow]   ...I know that rates on the dinar And the Dong, specifically are populating on the back screen. The Redemption center, the redemption centers screens for dinar and Dong were $4 to $5 higher on each currency just on the front screens...

 ...we do have the impression that we're very close to this going. And it appears that two of our sources agreed on the timing...It appears more like Saturday through Tuesday...the 27th through the 30th with emphasis on Saturday, the 27th..The timing of this is very close - We do believe that Saturday holds the best chance for us to be notified between Saturday and Tuesday. So let's see ...what happens...we're very close.

  we got word from several of our sources that came in last night and also today, and...I think we've, we've gone  past the point of no return on this so that even a few people that were pretty tight lipped have been allowed to open up to my main source.They've been allowed to get the information from the banks -  and redemption centers – so that is really good to have that information fed down to of our best sources said at midnight last night...we've been in this is Monday night  he said within 24 to 36 could be Thursday... We will all be smiling from ear to ear... it should be a really wonderful week...

According to the local bank staff members were going in today, with more going in tomorrow with a purpose to make appointments to exchange foreign currency and Zim Bonds. The numbers for Tier4a,b (Us, the Internet Group) to make appointments could come out tomorrow Wed. 24 Jan.