Friday, October 11, 2024



  Article:  "Iraq presents to the US Treasury date for abandoning the currency auctions

 The auctions will end or be abandoned the day the rate changes.  

The rate will change on a Sunday morning.  That's when the currency auctions will end, when the rate changes. 

 This article's saying the currency auctions will end by year end.  They're talking to US officials...They're just making a generalized statement, saying by year end...So by the end of December...the currency auctions will end meaning the rate would have to change allowing the auctions to end...


 World Trade [Organization] of the major things Iraq needs to really move forward towards membership is they need their MFTR [Memorandum of Foreign Trade Regime] completed...

 Article Quote: "The completion of all these requirements was confirmed in March of 2024."  

Iraq's next meeting is roughly November 6th through the 8th.  They will...have all steps complete.  

That's when they would be eligible.  Their 30 days towards membership would start right around early November...Full member probably by the end of December of this year.

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