Saturday, September 21, 2024

Weekend Chat with MarkZ 21-9-2024

 Weekend Chat with MarkZ 21-9-2024


Partner: Good morning and welcome to the weekend.

MZ: Since the topic of recreational vehicles is quiet, today I want to answer questions and talk about Zim.

MZ: I know some people from the rescue center who are on duty today.. There are many rumors that Monday morning we will wake up and see it (RV)... Idk but the rumors are deafening.

MZ: I have yet to see a couple of key people move to the western US headquarters. UU. They haven't been called there yet. Is this something last minute?

MZ: There is a lot of activity and news about Iraq is excellent. Many meetings are being held between now and the 25th.

MZ: I strongly believe that the month of September is still very much at stake.

Member: The PTB should hurry up then... 9 days to go

Member: I hear they want VR to start September 30th since it's the end of the fiscal year.

Member: I'm layover in Reno. I think I'm gonna go "Whale Hunting". I have questions I need answering. By the way, can you describe how they are?

MZ: Let's talk about Zim first. Many people are still wondering if it will be worth it or not. What are the expectations and what do I understand about it?.

MZ: Know that ZIG, the gold-backed Zimbabwe currency, is very different from the Zimbabwean farm cheques and banknotes that most of us have.

MZ: I understand that Zimbabwe's bond exchange funds are from humanitarian funds. Since it's taken so long, these funds have been generating interest.. and they're like a modern day prosperity package.

MZ: This does not mean that all the exchange funds have to be allocated to humanitarian projects.

Member: Zim is a bonus to the bearer that will be paid to the bearer the nominal value of the I'll pay in my opinion.

Member: Do you think they will have projects we can choose from?

Member: We've been told that there are shortlisted projects you can select on ZIM

MZ: I was told they will present us a short list of which we can choose from.

MZ: I've been told that the Agro checks funds do not come from humanitarian funds. They are totally for you and your personal use.

MZ: Those of us who know best, the 100T notes, I understand that for each note, between 30 and 50 million dollars will go to your pockets for your personal use... and you will have the ability and option to get more and allocate them to humanitarian projects.

Member: Will they only accept the 100T notes or the lesser ones?

Member: Mark said in the past that everyone will be honored.

Member: Can we exchange more than one Zimbabwe bond? I've heard rumors that's all they will accept.

MZ: I heard we can trade as many as we want/have... no limit.

Member: Can you make 2 different dates to swap if you're out of town?

MZ: Yes... I've been told repeatedly that's the case... but they'd rather we do it on a single date. However, they understand that logistically this may not be possible due to travel, locations, etc.... Try to organize and make things easier for them and yourselves if you can.

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