Thursday, September 19, 2024


 Fnu Lnu 

 I do not buy this "Education Program" nor do I buy the "Adjusting of the Parallel Market". The education is taking too long to be effective and it isn't government's job to adjust black markets. These are stall tactics while they placate the masses.  But why?...

  When you drag out the "Education" as long as the GOI and CBI has been doing, nothing sticks. If it is not in practice, then it is just words from the mouths of bureaucrats. Iraq has had more than enough of that and they do not pay attention.

 They will become educated when it means something to them, like the cost of goods and services, and buying power, and velocity of money. This is all obfuscation and I don't believe a word of it. Logic tells me they are stalling the people.

The $64,000.00 dollar question is why? What's the real plan?

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