Sunday, September 15, 2024



As usual I try to pick out key concerns or news articles to stand out the most. I then try to explain and comment on them in this section. Today I encourage everyone to go read the article titled “ECONOMIC RENAISSANCE AND UNPRECEDENTED PROGRESS.. IRAQ MAXIMIZES ITS NON-OIL REVENUES AND REDUCES ITS DEBTS”. They are telling us the national debt is only 9% of their reserves now at $108 billion and GDP growth isvery good.

I like it when they use words like “unprecedented” and “maximizes”. This tells me our choo choo train is moving down the tracks at an accelerated pace now. Remember that the way a growing economy works is through the low of exponentiality. It other words what you do today will only help yet further growth in the further. If Iraq keeps making good sound policies we will shortly see yet even enormous growth as we all know the potential. But where will this lead to with the dinar?

If I have told you once and I have told you a thousand times already it’s NOT about growing their economy so much that will revalue the Iraqi but instead all about the politics and the corruption behind the intentional suppressing of the dinar and keeping it low from more serious long-term investors, while the corrupt rape the billions from their economy and money that could be used to grow the economy even more. With all the oil revenues alone surely the dinar is worth much more that 1/6 of a penny. 

Come ‘on folks! When will this suppression of the dinar end. They don’t need any economic revival to put a fair market rate for the dinar back on FOREX. It is all a lie. Get it? They are “artificially” suppressing the rate of the dinar. Sure once they did reinstate the rate can then grow as the economy grows. But this is not their plan.

When will this abuse of the dinar end? I believe this end is near but we first need to see the swamp drained in Washington DC ,as they are the heart of the problem. Sure they are now stepping in to help Iraq, as we see the US Treasury in the CBI. But one must ask what the hell took you so long? Why are they stepping in? Is it because they see the Goose that lays the golden eggs suffocating under all the corruption and, if it continues, they too will  suffer as there will be nothing remaining even for them to steal. Get it?

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