Friday, September 20, 2024



Member: Does anybody think the RV could happen before the election?

MZ: I still think it could. The world needs this badly. What do you all think?

Member: I do not think it will……This election season is too volatile….I am digging in to wait.

Member: I think RV before, Nesara after!

Member: The 27th is a targeted day for something BIG. I believe it will all be before the end of this month

Member: I think we will see it in the next 10 days

MZ: 90% of my sources agree with you.

Member: I’m watching Oct 1st, for the new fiscal year

Member: I personally think it's done. All in the timing. Before the end of the year for sure.

Member: I have a feeling it could be anyday

MZ: I have that same feeling.

Member: Doesn’t the new currency and a new gold backed system have to happen first????

Member: The system is broken. Once a vase is cracked it never holds water. We need a restart; an overhaul and an ethical cleaning

Member: Sadly it will go when whoever is in charge is ready. What happens to the ones on the front lines ( us people) are over looked. Sadly so many are struggling and suffering.

Member: Any money moving yet Mark?

MZ: Yes. But I can’t make heads or tails out of what it means for us timing wise. But some money has absolutely been moving. We have been able to track it. It’s just not playing out the way that we thought it would…But we are definitely seeing real money in real people’s hands.

Member: Wait bonds have been paid??? Cash in hand???

MZ: We do have a facilitator get some money. But the big bond news we were expecting since last evening has not happened yet. Many bond holders have finished final paperwork and expect their funds on Saturday now.

MZ: I know there are a lot of others who say its happening today or tonight….But, I cannot find anyone on my banking crew who agrees with that. But they do believe its close.

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