Saturday, September 14, 2024



MZ: Is there a lot of chatter and anticipation about this weekend?  Yes.  There is lovely chatter from Iraq and a couple of groups. Just the bond side is eerily quiet.

Member: If I signed an NDA- I would be quiet as well…so that is understandable. 

MZ: That is exactly what I think is happening. I have had a contact or two tell e they cannot talk- they have an NDA. So maybe there is more movement there then is obvious to us. 

Member: Silence everywhere. This could be a good thing!!

MZ:: There are tons of rumors for this weekend. I do not know if they are accurate or not. It is clearly within a window and there is a lot of excitement. We will see what the weekend brings.

Member: I wonder -are the redemption centers working the weekend?

MZ: My banking crew have a “heightened alert “ for this weekend. I am hoping this means something, but we have seen this before. So stay hopeful but calm. 

Member: There is a buzz now…..I can feel it in the air.

MZ: The anticipation is palatable…all around the world….people know something is about to happen. We can feel it. 

Member: If Sudani said it will be done this year…..we have a 3 ½ month window. 

MZ: He said it would be done in this term…this year they would raise the value and give purchasing power to all Iraqis with the dinar. 

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