Friday, September 13, 2024



Here we discuss the current state of the Iraqi Dinar and the challenges of the parallel market, emphasizing the impact on the economy and citizens.


  • 🔄 Official exchange rate vs. parallel market rates.
  • 💰 Iraqi revenues exceed 77 trillion Dinars in 2024.
  • 📈 The allure of US Dollars in Iraq drives parallel market growth.
  • ⚖️ Government faces a dilemma on adjusting exchange rates.
  • 🌍 Economic parallels drawn with Venezuela’s hyperinflation.
  • 📚 Education is vital for addressing parallel market risks.

Key Insights

  • 💱 The disparity between the official exchange rate and the parallel market creates distrust in the Iraqi Dinar, prompting citizens to favor the latter.
  • 📊 Iraq’s financial landscape is heavily reliant on oil, contributing about 89% to the federal budget, showcasing vulnerability in economic diversity.
  • 🚀 The thriving parallel market reflects a lack of confidence in the Dinar, indicating broader issues that affect everyday transactions for Iraqis.
  • ⚠️ Government actions to raise or lower the exchange rate could lead to inflation or decreased trust, highlighting the precarious balance needed for economic stability.
  • 🌐 Drawing lessons from Venezuela illustrates the severe consequences of currency mismanagement, serving as a cautionary tale for Iraq.
  • 🎓 Raising public awareness about the risks of the parallel market can foster a shift back to official channels, stabilizing the economy.
  • 🌟 The ongoing situation requires careful navigation by businesses and travelers, impacting daily life and economic sustainability in Iraq.

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