Friday, September 6, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Reviewing Tax Laws and Enhancing Collection Systems: Economic Priorities in September 2024, 6 SEPT

 Reviewing Tax Laws and Enhancing Collection Systems: Economic Priorities in September 2024

Economic discussions in September 2024 have increasingly centered around the need for a thorough review of existing tax laws and the development of more efficient tax collection systems.    These calls come from various sectors, influenced by the changing economic landscape and the desire for more streamlined governmental operations.

The Case for Tax Law Review

Addressing Immediate Concerns

The urgency to review tax laws stems from the need to address immediate concerns such as the expiration of certain tax provisions.  With many provisions from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) set to expire, there is a push for their extension, particularly those benefiting businesses and individuals, such as R&D amortization and accelerated bonus depreciation.

Preparing for Future Challenges

Reviewing tax laws is also seen as a strategic move to prepare for future challenges. The anticipation of expiring tax provisions, the impact of the Moore tax case, and the implementation of the global minimum-tax regime are among the issues that require careful consideration.   Ensuring that the tax system remains adaptable and responsive to economic changes is crucial for long-term stability.

Enhancing Tax Collection Systems

The Role of Government Efficiency

The call for enhanced tax collection systems is closely tied to discussions about government efficiency. Proposals include the creation of a government efficiency commission to audit the federal government and recommend reforms.  The commission would aim to identify areas of waste, fraud, and abuse, thereby saving money for the federal government.

Addressing Budgetary Pressures

The need to enhance tax collection systems is further driven by budgetary pressures. As the government faces challenges in managing its finances, improving the effectiveness of tax collection can help mitigate budget deficits. This includes ensuring that all due taxes are collected and that the tax system is fair and equitable for all taxpayers. 


The economic calls to review tax laws and develop more efficient tax collection systems in September 2024 reflect a broader goal of ensuring fiscal health and economic resilience. By addressing immediate concerns, preparing for future challenges, and enhancing government efficiency, these measures aim to create a more robust and responsive tax system that benefits both the government and the taxpayers.

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