Saturday, September 14, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 09/13/2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 09/13/2024 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning and Happy Friday the 13th

Member: Friday the 13th!!! Let’s see what’s in store… May the luck you get be the good kind today!

Member: Why Is Friday 13th Unlucky ? It Was The Day The Knights Templers Were Arrested !!!

Member: Could this be our weekend Mark?

MZ: Is there a lot of chatter and anticipation about this weekend?  Yes.  There is lovely chatter from Iraq and a couple of groups. Just the bond side is eerily quiet.

Member: If I signed an NDA- I would be quiet as well…so that is understandable. 

MZ: That is exactly what I think is happening. I have had a contact or two tell e they cannot talk- they have an NDA. So maybe there is more movement there then is obvious to us. 

Member: Silence everywhere. This could be a good thing!!

MZ:: There are tons of rumors for this weekend. I do not know if they are accurate or not. It is clearly within a window and there is a lot of excitement. We will see what the weekend brings.

Member: I wonder -are the redemption centers working the weekend?

MZ: My banking crew have a “heightened alert “ for this weekend. I am hoping this means something, but we have seen this before. So stay hopeful but calm. 

Member: There is a buzz now…..I can feel it in the air.

MZ: The anticipation is palatable…all around the world….people know something is about to happen. We can feel it. 

Member: If Sudani said it will be done this year…..we have a 3 ½ month window. 

MZ: He said it would be done in this term…this year they would raise the value and give purchasing power to all Iraqis with the dinar. 

Member: Greg Mannarino thinks the financial system collapse is next week.... 

Member: Mark my bank called and said banking app will be off from the 13th and new digital app back up on the 16th

Member: Gold is over 2600 right now per yahoo

MZ: Gold is up almost $20 buck and silver is up about $.70 cents. 

Member: Mark would you please explain how the two new tax laws could affect us. Thank you

Member: I still pray our exchanges will be tax-free…Guess time will tell. 

Member: I wish we knew what the delay is for us all to go??????

Member: I believe someone doesn`t want this to happen or it would have happened already.

Member: Maybe they are waiting for the new fiscal year to start on oct. 1st????

​​Member: Could it be we will have a shotgun start altogether?

Member: Maybe they are waiting for Nesara/Gesara to be ready to go?

​​Member: It is truly mind blowing when you think of all the details that have had to go into NESARA/GESARA. Undoing so many years of corruption and making sure it doesn't happen again!

​​ Member: Thanks Mark and Mr. C- Hope everyone has a great day today!

Meber: Have a great day everyone and Happy Birthday all celebrating

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