Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Tues. 10 Sept. 2024 Bruce

  • All new rates came up on the screens Sunday night 8 Sept. 2024. Monday we had all new rates on all currencies at the banks – but today we didn’t see them on RC screens. This is because bank screen rates are not as high as at the Redemption Centers. The Dinar was 3 x time higher at the Redemption Center and the Dong was 2 x higher and I think it’s just because they didn’t want the high rates visible.
  • The Iraqi Dinar is to be traded on the ISX also on the Forex possibly with a new rate and the SBI site itself. The Dinar Contract rate is extremely high and is the same as the rate of selling a barrel of oil. They will offer Tier4b the Contract Rate at Redemption Centers.
  • One person known in the community is saying it’s highly possibly the RV will happen tomorrow or Thursday.
  • A Redemption Center Leader was to have received an email from a certain person who was over ALL the Redemption Centers East of the Big River and this leader had to get those emails out. All the Redemption Centers will have that green light from Treasury at the same time.
  • Those of us in Tier4b (the Internet Group) should be notified either tonight overnight tonight or tomorrow, with exchanges that could start tomorrow and/or Thursday. We won’t know till we get the emails.
  • Only Zim Holders will be getting the new StarLink Satellite phone at their appointments.
  • The servers for Social Security payments have been down for the last five days. We believe it’s to connect to Starlink  – which may or may not include that increase in SS. They should come back up tonight for payments tomorrow on 9**1
  • So we have the possibility and this might well ALL get started on 9**1. All of you who are in the know and KNOW that would be very interesting timing. 

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