Thursday, August 8, 2024

Wed. 7 Aug. 2024 Wolverine Chat, 8 AUGUST

Wed. 7 Aug. 2024 Wolverine Chat

  • I want you to get ready as 4B should be commencing by tomorrow (Thurs. 8 Aug. 2024) IMO and hopefully those notifications are coming today or tomorrow. The RV has commenced for bondholders, and Tier4B is on its way very soon.
  • THIS came in and I will read it to you: “THE sovereign committee and US federal government have just approved T4A and B payments – this has started Reno, Miami, and other east coast states. I received the confirmation from the Admiral Call Group, and he confirmed it.
  • Today (Wed. 7 Aug. 2024) at noon, on the east coast payments were made to groups of small property owners.
  • Reno is working on Tier 4 payments also starting at noon.
  • They are releasing funds from the 1% to balance the trade balance of bonds. 
  • Funds have been released worldwide for the global monetary reset marking the beginning of a new financial era.  
  • Banks around the world have signed confidentiality agreements ensuring that the transition will be kept secret until the appropriate time.
  • The GCR funds are not flowing from anywhere, they are coming directly from US Treasury Defense operation office  and are earmarked for other nation’s treasury departments.
  • Japan has already re-evaluated its currency.
  • Brazilian bondholders have begun receiving payments (and that is true).
  • In the USA liquidity was promised to bondholders this week.  A promise being fulfilled as we speak.
  • Also, I have spoken to someone in my county, and he said that his table is closed. They are now waiting to get the funds released. He is a big Whale in Chile. It is all coming down.
  • I received confirmation from various sources from various Whales all confirmed that this is finally happening. Put on your seat belts we will go to warp speed, and we will be celebrating like anything, and many will have tears when this comes.
  • This is a process, some start today, some tomorrow, some next week.  My Whale has not received his notification yet, but I know it is coming now that it is released.
  • The Yellow Dragon Bonds: People send me messages asking why you are selling the bonds if we are close. When our table gets notifications, we close all operations.  We cannot sell anymore Yellow Dragon Bonds. It is closed.  If we have not yet received notifications, then you can still have the opportunity to get a Yellow Dragon.  At any time now, our Whale will get his notifications and our operation will close immediately.  If anyone needs info let me know and I will give you info on how to obtain a Yellow Dragon Bond. Any time now, our Whale will get his news notification and that operation will be closed immediately.
  • Hopefully, tomorrow (Thurs. 8 Aug. 2024), will be the release of the opera.
  • I did not get much sleep, have been on a lot of calls. People are elated and even private contracts are being paid as well.


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