Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Iraqi Dinar in Oil Trade: 2024 Overview BY DINAR REVALUATION , 21 AUGUST

The Iraqi Dinar in Oil Trade: 2024 Overview

As of August 21, 2024, the Iraqi dinar is undergoing a significant shift in its role in oil trade and the broader economy, marking a pivotal moment in Iraq's financial history. 

Iraq's Strategic Shift from the US Dollar

On January 1, 2024, Iraq made a bold move by banning all transactions involving the US dollar. This decision was aimed at controlling the fluctuating black market exchange rate and promoting the use of the Iraqi dinar. The catalyst for this transformation was an extended period of currency instability, which led to surging prices and civil unrest. 

Impact on Oil Trade

Iraq's oil revenues have continued to dominate the country's economy, accounting for nearly 89% of the total federal budget revenues in the first four months of 2024.   This reliance on oil underscores the significance of the industry and the crucial role it plays in Iraq's fiscal health. However, experts have warned that this heavy dependence exposes Iraq's economy to global market fluctuations, urging the government to diversify the economy and reduce its reliance on oil. 

De-Dollarization and the Dinar's Ascendancy

Iraq's decision to move away from the US dollar in trade, especially in oil transactions, has been driven by several factors. The US dollar's unpredictable nature, compounded by US fiscal policies and sanctions, has made Iraq vulnerable to financial instability. By promoting the Iraqi dinar in oil trade, Iraq aims to secure more control over its economic destiny and reduce its vulnerability to external economic pressures. 

Challenges and Opportunities

The transition to the Iraqi dinar in oil trade presents both challenges and opportunities. While it aims to strengthen Iraq's economic independence, the move also requires careful macroeconomic policies and structural reforms to secure fiscal and debt sustainability.  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has emphasized the need for sound policies to achieve sustainable, inclusive, and private sector-led growth in the face of potential risks. 

The Iraqi Dinar's Investment Appeal

The Iraqi dinar's potential for appreciation has attracted investors, but its value remains uncertain. Speculation about the currency's future has led to investment, but economic experts caution against relying solely on currency appreciation, especially given Iraq's economic challenges. 


The Iraqi dinar's role in oil trade in 2024 is a testament to Iraq's strategic efforts to assert economic sovereignty. As the country navigates the transition from dollar dependence to dinar ascendancy, it is crucial for policymakers to implement reforms that foster economic diversification and stability.


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