Monday, August 19, 2024



Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Wolverine
 “Exciting things have happened, but I’m not allowed to say what. People are expecting something Sun. night 18 Aug. Just to let you know guys is to get ready.

 I’m sorry that I can’t say anything as everyone is under total NDA now and soon I will be as well. That opera will be release any day now. Thank you for all the support you have all given me as this is one of the most hardest things that I have done in my life as it has control our way of life for years and played with our emotions. 

We have seen so many of our compatriots that did not make it and thankfully their family will cross the finish line for them. During this journey I never thought that I was going to be attacked viciously and even to this day the attacks are still continuing. 

I know within my heart that I’m doing God’s work and that too many of you are suffering and you need hope and a messenger to know what is going on. As soon as I’m under NDA you won’t hear from me anymore but my job has been completed and I can leave with good conscience that I have done everything possible to help you. The opera will be release once I receive the green light.

 Don’t forget the Get Together in February 2025 here in Sydney as we are planning to have the biggest party that Sydney has ever held with all these patriots coming from so many countries. Remember that it’s going to be a gala night and so wear your best clothes everyone. I’ll let you all know the day and the address of the Get Together. Love you all. Your friend Wolverine.”

 Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Wolverine

“Exciting things happened today but I’m not allowed to say what. People are expecting something Sun. night 18 Aug. I hope to have some good news for the Tier4b Group tomorrow Fri. 16 Aug.”



  • Wed. 14 Aug. Wolverine: “Things are happening that are confidential and I cannot discuss, but I hope to have absolutely great news for you tomorrow.”


    • Mon. 12 Aug. 2024 Wolverine
    •  “My friends this is the week of miracles as the Precatorias are now very close to be release now and we should have more miracles from other platforms as well. I’m still a firm believer that this week the opera will be release. God bless you all.” Wolverine

    WOLVERINE LIVE CHAT 9/8/2024: 

    That's all! It's all started! I was on a Zoom call a few hours ago at about 4am. This came in Reno: There was a meeting in Reno, a big meeting, and they discovered that many Dinars and Zim, Precatorios and other bonds were fraudulent. There is a lot of fraud. They also discovered that some of these bonds were used in terrorism. They have to check everything, many bad apples on this trip, they have all been caught. I said this before: be careful who you buy bonds from. If you buy on EBAY, it is a risk you are taking. He doesn't know if those bonds are registered or under contract. They are not authenticated. An expert has to review them at the exchange center to authenticate them. And they may say, "Sorry, your bonuses aren't real, they're worthless." There are drug brokers selling bonds for $60, for example, but they are not authenticated. So if you go to EBAY and buy Yellow Dragon bonds for 12 dollars, thinking you saved money. 

    When you go to the redemption center and have loose bonds, Yellow Dragons, German bonds, etc., loose bonds, NOT boxes, they will go through the expert process to be authenticated. If they are not real, they will reject you. I have always been honest with you about purchasing through the correct channels. 

    We have experts with our Yellow Dragon Bonuses. We have attorneys, and all bonds have been authenticated, placed under contract, registered and everything is ready to go. The boxes are all sealed. Our whale can't open them. This happens to most whales, as all the boxes are sealed and cannot be opened. 

    However, this is good news as we know they are making things safe and taking care of us. They are authenticating the bonds and making sure there are good people on this journey. Also, at 3 pm Brazil time, what I have been told by several sources in Brazil, is that Tier4B was released – the notifications were released. If that's true, that will create a ripple effect from Reno and other platforms. 

    It is from two platforms in Brazil, which are San Paolo and Brasilia. 

    People have received notifications of bondholders ready to go to Reno. One person, a large bondholder, a very good friend of mine and this person, has millions of boxes... That person was notified. They are flying to Reno tomorrow and I was elated for that person. 

    Another person who lives here in Australia was notified that they will have to fly to Brazil to prepare the Medbeds. Medbeds are ready! Medbeds are real!

    So everything is ready for this month: the month of August is the month of our blessing. Everything comes from. 

    I received another call from a platform, elated, shouting Hallelujah – They received the call that on August 15 their funds will be released. 

    Precatoria – it is taking a little longer. All funds will go to QFS accounts. They are waiting to get the green light. 

    I was on a Zoom call with my platform a few minutes ago, which came to me via audio of Skye saying that you will receive a Q phone when you go to your Medbeds, and also a replicator, but these are people who have humanitarian projects. That's great! 

    If there are no projects, you will receive them later.

    A replicator is like a microwave that does everything. I'm sure you've seen the videos. They are huge and you will probably have to install them in your house. 

    Things are definitely happening. 

    Furthermore, I have been in contact with the next politician of my country in Chile. He has a huge humanitarian project: a railway system from Chile to Brazil that costs billions of dollars and he will be able to do it, and he has people designated to do it and he has shown me the map. He is a good Christian and conservative. He is no longer a politician because it is a corrupt system.



    ¡Eso es todo! ¡Todo ha comenzado! Estuve en una llamada de Zoom hace unas horas aproximadamente a las 4 a.m. Esto llegó en Reno: Hubo una reunión en Reno, una gran reunión, y descubrieron que muchos bonos Dinars y Zim, Precatorios y otros eran fraudulentos. Hay mucho fraude. También descubrieron que algunos de estos bonos se usaron en terrorismo. Tienen que verificar todo, muchas manzanas podridas en este viaje, todas han sido atrapadas. Dije esto antes: tenga cuidado a quién le compra bonos. Si compra en EBAY, es un riesgo que está tomando. No sabe si esos bonos están registrados o bajo contrato. No están autenticados. Un experto tiene que revisarlos en el centro de canje para autenticarlos. Y pueden decir: "Lo siento, sus bonos no son auténticos, no valen nada". Hay corredores drogadictos que venden bonos po...FOR READ MORE:

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