Monday, August 5, 2024

Repeated violations of sovereignty and the presence of the international coalition put Iraqi military leaders before two bitter choices, 4 AUGUST

 Academic Talib Mohammed commented on Wednesday on the repeated violation of national sovereignty with the escalation of demands to end the foreign military presence, especially the American one, in Iraq.

He pointed out that Iraqi military leaders are confused between declaring readiness and bearing the consequences of that, or confirming the need for the international coalition and bearing various charges, which requires strengthening trust between the government, political forces and military leaders in order to reach a decision that they will be held accountable for before the Iraqi people and history.

“The breach of Iraqi national sovereignty has become a common occurrence, considering that the last strike in Babylon came as part of a series of multiple and qualitative strikes in Iraq. Therefore, Iraqi sovereignty is breached through hostile strikes, whether from neighboring countries or the Zionist entity. The Israeli strikes are linked to an Israeli approach to control and change the nature of the region, meaning imposing force and continuing these strikes until a new political path is achieved in the region, and this path is controlled by Israel and America,” Mohammed told Al-Jarida.

He added, "As for the Iraqi military position, after the victory over terrorist organizations, the last of which was ISIS, it sent a message that the military institution is capable of leading itself, but on the condition of completing the logistical and technical matters, military equipment, and security and military liaison with the international coalition."

He continued, “In light of the presence of political blocs that want to end the foreign military presence in Iraq, especially the American one, the decision in this regard should be issued after studying the situation and the social, popular, economic and political reality to give a mature decision that we will not regret in the future, which requires the Iraqi military leaders to study the situation, whether the Iraqi forces are ready and do not need other countries, and if they are capable, they should announce this to the Iraqi public opinion and this issue depends on the Iraqi Council of Representatives.”

“But the Iraqi military leaders are confused about this aspect,” Mohammed added. “If they confirm readiness and do not need the international coalition, a security breach may occur and they may be blamed for confirming readiness. However, if the military leaders say the opposite, that they need the international coalition, they may be exposed to other accusations. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen trust between the government, political forces, and military leaders in order to reach a decision that they will be held accountable for before the Iraqi people and history.”  link

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