Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Militia Man 

  Article:  "Urgent: Central Bank Governor: No intention to reconsider dollar exchange rates, we are undergoing a major transformation"  Does Alaq have any control whatsoever over the dollar?  No, not at all.  But what does he have control over?  When he states he's not going to do anything about the dollar he means it because he can't.  But what he does have control to change the exchange rate of the dinar.  He has that control. 

Did Alaq resign?  Answer, no.

Article quote: "Even the measures taken by the government to try to down low dollar prices to 1320 to sell it in a supported manner didn't not reach the elimination of speculation in the markets reducing the price of a dollar in the black market."  It didn't work to kill the black market just yet but I got a strong feeling since the dollar auctions have gone from 250 million a day down to less than 25 million...consistently for over a week...we can see where their priorities lie.

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