Friday, August 9, 2024



[via PDK]  

...quiet on the RV front...All we have is rumors of the HCL is in the Kurdish regions where they made a couple changes and sent it back to the parliament…so it is now with them. We heard parliament has agreed on it and now we are waiting for them to say Boom – it’s done.So in Iraq they seem excited that Alaq is going to gone and the pending public

approval of the HCL. I am still hearing there is an opportunity for HCL to pass before the weekend is out.

My contacts on the ground in Iraq say...they expect to see sudden movement and HCL.. .I am hearing is they expect to announce completion and ratification of the HCL this week...I hope they are correct.

 My contacts are saying how excited they are about Alaq stepping down. There are many confirmations now that Alak has resigned. I have a contact in the finance ministry who says there is a lot of excitement in Iraq because they believe he was one of the last roadblocks they needed to remove. We do know that Sudani has made it very clear that the revaluation or change in rates lies in the CBI’s hands. So I am going to take this as good news.

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