Tuesday, August 13, 2024



 The Supreme Judicial Council has decided it's time for the current central bank governor to retire.  Remember this is his second term.  During his first term back in the year of 2018 that's when he printed the new lower smaller category denominations notes with his signature on them.  The only reason they put him back in for a second term was to commission the rate change.  Now they're saying he's going to be forced into retirement.  No retirement date has been provided.


 The news is now really starting to ramp up.  Critical steps are coming forward...They're going to fall into place like clockwork.  August through September is going to be the most critical period in this investment that we've ever witnessed. 



  Iraq just competed their 5 year development plan...That's basically the reform plan... They completed the reform plan, that's a required step for their accession to the World Trade.


They haven't implement their budget yet because they're waiting for the rate to change.  Everything in Iraq...the budget, the laws, the overturning the budget, everything out there is being stalled and delayed to be timed with the rate change.

 Article: "Four counties meet in Baghdad to support the development road project

...You have to look at their timing.  They finished the 5-year development plan around the end of July walking into the beginning of August.  Why? Timing.  They're about to revalue.  Their actions strongly suggest to me personally IMO I really feel they're going to be revaluing in August.



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