Friday, August 16, 2024

Joint Strategic Framework: Iraq and Turkey's Foreign Ministers Meeting in 2024, 16 AUGUST

Joint Strategic Framework: Iraq and Turkey's Foreign Ministers Meeting in 2024

The foreign ministers of Iraq and Turkey are set to activate the joint strategic framework during their meeting in 2024. This high-level meeting aims to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries, particularly in security, military, and counterterrorism efforts. 


The joint strategic framework between Iraq and Turkey has been in development for several years. In April 2024, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a historic visit to Iraq, during which 27 agreements and memorandums of understanding were signed.   This visit marked a turning point in Ankara-Baghdad relations, and the Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) established the Joint Planning Group (JPG), co-chaired by the foreign ministers of both countries, and various Joint Permanent Committees (JPCs) to institutionalize and sustain cooperation. 

Key Objectives

The primary objectives of the joint strategic framework include:

  1. Enhancing security cooperation: The two countries will collaborate on security matters and take concrete steps to address common threats, such as the PKK terrorist group, which operates along their shared border. 

  2. Strengthening military collaboration: The joint strategic framework aims to reinforce the mutual understanding of military matters by enhancing the legal framework to support collaborative efforts, including joint coordination and training centers. 

  3. Addressing counterterrorism efforts: The framework emphasizes the importance of countering terrorism and fostering cooperation in this area. Both countries have recognized the PKK as a "common threat" and a "banned organization".  [3]:url3.

  4. Expanding cooperation in various sectors: The Strategic Framework Agreement envisions establishing Joint Permanent Committees in key areas of collaboration, such as trade, energy, water issues, transportation, health, and education. 

Expected Outcomes

The activation of the joint strategic framework during the foreign ministers' meeting in 2024 is expected to yield several positive outcomes, including:

  1. Improved relations between Iraq and Turkey: The joint strategic framework will help to strengthen and institutionalize the historical ties between the two countries, fostering greater cooperation and collaboration. 

  2. Enhanced security and military collaboration: The framework will enable both countries to work together more effectively in addressing common security threats and countering terrorism, ultimately contributing to regional stability. 

  3. Expanded cooperation in various sectors: By establishing Joint Permanent Committees in key areas of collaboration, the joint strategic framework will facilitate increased cooperation and partnership in various sectors, benefiting both countries economically and socially. 

In conclusion, the activation of the joint strategic framework during the foreign ministers' meeting in 2024 represents a significant step forward in Iraq and Turkey's bilateral relationship. By working together to address common challenges and expand cooperation in various sectors, the two countries can foster greater stability, security, and prosperity in the region.


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