Saturday, August 3, 2024

"Hot Off The Press (WW3)" BY ARIEL, 3 AUGUST

 Ariel 8.3.24 

🚨 Hot Off The Press (WW3)

This is when I suspect that the market will crash once this crash pops off. So just be ready for potential inconveniences that most of you should get through without any issues. Israel is indeed in a very compromising position. 



The OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) has issued a strong statement condemning the actions, escalating tensions in the region. The potential for broader conflict is increasing as neighboring countries weigh their options.

The ICC (International Criminal Court) is investigating  war crimes, further complicating the geopolitical landscape and increasing pressure on international alliances.

The UN Security Council is holding emergency meetings to address the rapidly deteriorating situation, with world powers divided on the best course of action.

Financial markets are responding to the uncertainty, with investors seeking safe havens amid fears of global instability. Commodities like gold are seeing a surge in demand, while stock markets experience volatility. We are watching history unfold in front of us. 

Hope everyone is ready. We are on our way.

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