Monday, August 26, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION UPDATE:Iranian Influence in Iraqi Government Bureaucracy and Legal System in 2024, 26 AUGUST

Iranian Influence in Iraqi Government Bureaucracy and Legal System in 2024

In 2024, Iranian sympathizers have permeated various levels of Iraq's government and legal system, significantly impacting national policy and the daily lives of Iraqis. 

 The Popular Mobilization Force (PMF), an umbrella organization for multiple militias, stands out as a key instrument of Iranian influence This group's growing power within Iraq's political and institutional landscape has fueled concerns over the country's sovereignty. 

PMF's Role and Expansion

Since 2022, the PMF has markedly enhanced its influence over the Iraqi state and government Initially formed in response to the Islamic State's (ISIS) advance and Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani's call to defend Iraq in 2014, the PMF has evolved into a dominant force.  Its expansion has been facilitated by Iran's backing, with the PMF's leaders often expressing loyalty to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei. 

Penetration of Iraqi Institutions

The PMF's influence is not confined to security and military affairs but extends into the political realm. For instance, the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq (AAH) movement, an Iran-backed militia, has made concerted efforts to control the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.   This control allows the group to recruit young cadres and undermine the youth reform movements that have challenged the militias' authority. 

Impact on Iraqi Society

The pervasive Iranian influence in Iraq affects not only the government and legal system but also impacts the lives of ordinary Iraqis. The case of Sara Saleem, a dual Iraqi-American citizen and leading businesswoman, illustrates the perils faced by those who challenge Iran-backed actors.  Saleem was coerced into securing a substantial loan and transferring shares of her real estate company to her partners, who are believed to have close ties with Iran. Her subsequent kidnapping by an Iran-backed militia underscores the risks involved in opposing such entities. 

Implications for U.S. Interests

The increasing Iranian influence in Iraq poses challenges to U.S. interests in the region. The U.S. has been a target of attacks by Iran-backed militias in Iraq, particularly since the escalation of tensions in 2023.  These attacks have not only endangered American lives but also threatened the relative stability Iraq had enjoyed in recent years. 

U.S. Response and Policy Considerations

To counter Iranian influence, U.S. policy must focus on strengthening Iraq's autonomy and resilience. This involves supporting Iraq's financial institutions through global integration and digitization, as well as fostering broader ties between Iraq and other countries, including Gulf states.  Additionally, maintaining a military presence in Iraq and considering decisive military measures to address attacks by Iran-backed militias are critical for protecting U.S. interests and preventing an ISIS resurgence. 


As of August 26, 2024, Iranian sympathizers within Iraq's government and legal system continue to exert significant influence, shaping national policy and impacting the daily lives of Iraqis. The U.S. must adopt a multifaceted approach to counter this influence, focusing on strengthening Iraq's institutions, maintaining a military presence, and considering targeted military actions.

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