Thursday, August 29, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Iraq's Path to Economic Development: A Shift in Global Trade Exchange, 29 AUGUST

Iraq's Path to Economic Development: A Shift in Global Trade Exchange

The Parliamentary Finance Committee in Iraq has expressed optimism about the country's development path, foreseeing a significant shift in the course of trade exchange between Iraq and the world. This statement, made by Chairman Atwan Al-Atwani, highlights the committee's confidence in Iraq's economic future.

Current Economic Landscape

Iraq's economy has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including a heavy reliance on oil exports, corruption, and instability. However, the government has been working to diversify the economy and attract foreign investment. The development path, as outlined by the Parliamentary Finance Committee, aims to achieve a more balanced and sustainable economy.

Expected Outcomes

The committee expects the development path to bring about a qualitative shift in Iraq's trade exchange with the world. This shift is likely to be characterized by:

  • Increased non-oil exports, reducing the country's reliance on oil revenues
  • Improved trade relationships with neighboring countries and global partners
  • Enhanced economic competitiveness, driven by investment in infrastructure and human capital
  • A more favorable business environment, encouraging foreign investment and entrepreneurship

Key Drivers of Change

Several factors are expected to drive this shift in Iraq's trade exchange:

  • Investment in infrastructure: Upgrades to transportation networks, energy systems, and telecommunications will improve the business environment and facilitate trade.
  • Diversification of industries: Encouraging growth in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism will reduce dependence on oil and increase non-oil exports.
  • Trade agreements and partnerships: Strengthening relationships with neighboring countries and global partners will expand Iraq's access to new markets and investment opportunities.
  • Economic reforms: Implementing policies to promote transparency, accountability, and competitiveness will help to attract foreign investment and stimulate economic growth.


The Parliamentary Finance Committee's statement highlights the potential for Iraq's development path to bring about a significant shift in the country's trade exchange with the world. By investing in infrastructure, diversifying industries, strengthening trade relationships, and implementing economic reforms, Iraq can achieve a more balanced and sustainable economy. As the country continues on this path, it is likely to become an increasingly important player in regional and global trade.

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