Wednesday, July 3, 2024





Being Tuesday we got some info over the weekend and Iraq is supposed to put the budget in the physical version of the Gazette tomorrow Wednesday – the virtual rate had the rate and the budget last Saturday and anyone looking in the proper place would have found it.   

We have been told we would receive this notification today and start exchanges tomorrow without a doubt – we did not receive notifications today and/or tomorrow – now when we have a holiday on 4th July we have people do we want to do this before the 4th or after and this is coming from the RC’s  - the word is that we are going to get notified Friday and set our appointments for over the weekend  - but I believe they are just going to let the holiday pass and then Friday 5th for notifications and this is the intel we got only hours ago from a  leader at the RC’s  - so Saturday/Sunday for exchanges and on through the week.

As far as R&R is concerned we should receive that in the month of July and if you are a currency holder you will receive that at the exchange.   One thing about the Dinar contract rate – which is high and did dip but it could go back up – all depends what it is on the day and if your are an American Citizen you should be offered at the exchange.   Now talking about what a joke the debate was and today Bruce is hearing that he should be back as the President between the 4th and the 15th and Bruce thinks Nesara should be the 8th or 9th and also Gesera  -

 I don’t think the R&R that is part of Nesara can occur without the RV and President Trump back  - Bruce is so looking forward to this going and also getting those Notifications on the 5th.   

So am sure  - he’ll now go on to thanking his whole Team  tonight especially if this is their LAST REGULAR CALL.     Then for sure praying out this wonderful call.  I’m sure those prayers will be heard especially this very Special Week.  Lots and Lots of Love to you ALL Gem.

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