Sunday, July 28, 2024

To reduce the threats of the factions.. Washington sends two bombers to the Middle East, 28 JULY

  The American magazine "Air and Space Forces", concerned with air forces, revealed today, Saturday (July 27, 2024), that the American forces sent two giant, newly modified B-52 bombers to the Middle East with the aim of "securing" Saudi Arabia and Jordan from "threats from Iraqi factions."

The magazine said in a report translated by "Baghdad Today", "The two modern aircraft that were sent to the Middle East to secure Saudi Arabia and Jordan and test their capabilities as part of a show of force to deter Iran and its arms in the region, took off from an air base in Romania and arrived in Saudi Arabia and Jordan in a flight that lasted thirty-two hours." 

"One of the planes suffered a technical malfunction that forced it to remain at one of the American air bases in Qatar, while the other plane returned to the United States alone to make the necessary adjustments after the testing process, which sources within the Pentagon told the Wall Street Journal aimed to demonstrate the capabilities of the United States to its allies in the region, in addition to putting an end to Iranian threats through its arms," ​​she said. 

The magazine indicated that "the two planes arrived in the Middle East after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington, during which he expressed his concern about the threats posed to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and some regional countries cooperating with Israel by the Houthis and armed factions in Iraq."

On Friday, newspapers such as the Jerusalem Post published reports confirming that Washington and Tel Aviv are “concerned” about the threats to the countries of the region from the Iraqi factions and the Houthis, explaining that “the threats are an attempt to put pressure on those countries to close the land trade routes that pass through their territories and on which Israel now depends to finance itself during the war,” referring to five countries, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan, that are extending supply lines to Israel through their territories as a result of the naval blockade imposed by the Houthis on ports in Israel.  link

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