Monday, July 29, 2024



Sun. 28 July 2024 Wolverine

“It’s going to be an incredible week. It’s going to be an incredible week. Just have faith. It’s coming. Always believe. Never give up. It’s still coming this week. Venezuela is going to be free. It’s been living under a corrupt government.

 Even the Military has sold their souls because of money. Now they are united and going to be free.” … “I will be leaving and will not be putting out any more posts on Telegram. Can’t tell you what I’m doing but it’s very important. Please brace yourself and thank God for everything. You will not hear from me anymore. God bless you all.”  

Thurs. 25 July 2024 Wolverine

“The gates are opened! Certain platforms have been released, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil. Venezuela has released their own. Next week a huge platform will be released as well. Also hearing Asia to be released, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and is releasing funds to the members. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.”

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