Tuesday, July 23, 2024



I must admit the wonders crossing my mind with so little time weekly that this room is open that the membership numbers continue to climb....  You folks are amazing.  The banker is still hopeful we exchange before months end but folks way above his paygrade are causing the delays as everything needed to exchange has been accomplished mechanically.  Kick this around or bring additional intel you have heard to the table.

The banker is traveling back to Texas on Wednesday and is hopeful for a Thursday announcement with appointment scheduling to follow thru the weekend, we shall see.



I am very much looking forward to a phone call at the end of our church Bible study class in the morning based upon all the issues I have had presented to me today, hopefully the banker will finally have a window with a specific date.


Text just recv'd from banker indicating the anticipated message may come in a little later in the day but he would advise ASAP after he gets it.

Everyone please remember our Sunday is there Monday

For thosew members who wish to visit will open until the local news starts.

Truly appreciate all you folks for joining have no idea how so many have heard of this site but feel we are truly close to the end, stay well, confident and pray this event in, GOD Bless


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