Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 Militia Man 

 Article: "Paralyzed for 19 years.. Parliamentary optimism about passing the most important laws in Iraq

 Quote: “The oil and gas law is the most important of the suspended laws...this issue will be resolved in the coming days.”  There is absolutely no coincidence that this law is on the table now...We never know what the coming days will mean.  However, with...where Iraq is in her reforms and the loss of revenues from the Kurdistan Region, the pressure has been mounting for results needing to take place and quickly. This is a very good sign of things to come and likely first or at the same time...

 Progress has been intense because there's some political opposition.  I think the US Treasury, Federal Reserve, Central Bank of Iraq, Al-Sudani...have been working to benefit the Iraqi citizens. 

 There's been blow back...Iraq is not alone in having pressure... Unfortunately corruption has been a problem for many years.  Nothing new.  But that's being changed so now it's getting more intense...

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