Monday, July 22, 2024

Q & A - Question about RC Appointments. My reply follows BY GINGER, 22 JULY

 💢💢Q & A - Question about RC Appointments. My reply follows.

💢Q: Ginger, if/when it does happen, do you think there will be leniency in scheduling an appt, or is it dictated to you, very short timeframe, and you can't miss that appt?? Just curious!..and thank you for your thoughts!! ❤️

💢A: For those taking the regular notifications route --- You may choose your appointment time. No leniency if you miss. It's not like they can just squeeze you in later that day because they will eventually have tight appointments booked all day and well into the night.

Some RC may be even running 24 hrs in certain areas (such as Texas where they have the highest number of Zim Bond holders in that State than anywhere else in the world. Florida has the 2nd most Zim holders.) Most areas may have extended hours of operation beyond normal banking hours, while not operations through the night. 

If you set an appointment: 

If you're really late or miss your appointment, you'll be placed at the back of the line and given a chance to reschedule after the people who didn't miss their appointment get to be seen, which might be two weeks later, possibly.

At one time I understood that there would be about 30 days for processing these transactions. This week someone said that the timeframe given for these transactions would be about 15 days. TBH, I'm not sure I believe it due to the fact that I've been told people who are traveling, such as for business, leisure, family emergencies, etc, may not be able to come in at a brief window of merely a two week period. So, what are they gonna say? "Forget you - You missed it. Too bad for you!" 🤔??? No!!! I don't believe that would happen. I don't believe that one bit.

I'm sticking to what I've learned in the past -- You will likely have up to ten days to MAKE (book/schedule) your appointment and you must be seen within 30 days OF making that appointment. This is what makes sense to me. There's some flexibility here in this scenario for people who are traveling, those who are in a health rehab facility and need a little bit more time to regain their strength so that they can attend the redemption appointment -- because NO, someone cannot have another person attend their appointment on their behalf. It will not work that way. (As I've said many times before, if you're in a group that is awaiting private contact, you are welcome to disregard this post because it wouldn't apply to you, per se.)

Also, while I'm at it, let me add this --- when you call the number and/or respond to the Safe Link website and you get to speak to someone, if there are special extenuating circumstances for you, let them know. 

Are you Handicapped? Need assistance? They will provide it.

No vehicle and no transportation to get there? They will possibly send you money for hiring a driver.


Bedridden? Unwell and unable to leave your home? They may even send someone to your home. Just ask.

~ Disclaimer: I'm not a financial advisor. I'm not responsible for the financial decisions others make. Everyone is encouraged to do their own research and make decisions based on what feels best for you.

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