Monday, July 1, 2024



My contact told me that the Project to Delete the Zeros is planned for the beginning of the 3rd stage of the economic plan. What does this mean. In fact, I did not fully understand it either until this article was published.

We learned through this article that that 3rd stage begins mid-year 2024. 

Is Iraq ever completely on time?

 We must give them a break since they are working against all odds in getting these reforms done. As we can also read in the news there is pressure against the economic reforms from Iranian politicians and seeded officials within the parties. It is an uphill battle for Iraq to achieve progress. So, the CBI may not meet their target for being right on time in June but even this summer sometime would certainly be considered “at the beginning of the 3 rd phase since the phase extends out to 2026. Do you understand? Everything is not exact. They target and then they make the best of it. But they will do it, as I am told.

Yes, no different than what is now going on over in the USA with the democrats. Look at the democrats and some republicans too as deep state  globalist. Their concentration is bent on manipulation of the system to their advantage and not about citizenship to preserve the US Constitution, values and way of life in America. They are not patriots but leaches of the system. So we see the same in Iraq and as with the USA we must also just ignore the lies and propaganda and continue to march onward with our goals and that is to bring the prosperity and abundance back to our nations, while weeding out the corrupt and bringing them to justice.

Even though it is close to the end of June I would certainly not despair about the high possibility of still seeing the project to delete the zeros and then we know the reinstatement will follow. So far there is no news out to the public about the swap out of the currencies. I would think we would have seen these types of articles already if June was going to happen. 

The good news is we can see the huge efforts to get the ATMs installed. 

My contact even told us again as well as a past article by the CBI that the ATMs are an integral part of the swap out process of the currencies. I explained why this is the case already in my last Newsletter dated 6/25. I suggest you revisit it again.

Okay, so we might or might not get the RV in June and so let’s not cry in our beer… lol.. lol.. lol..


I wanted to come on today and discuss a conversation I had with my CBI contact on Saturday.
Also I want to share a couple main points today in the progress of the economic reforms in Iraq and their impact.
To sum up what my CBI contact told me was for investors from the west to relax and not follow every little (or big) event as a target to get the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar.

They watch and read what these conference calls say on the effort of informing people and it simply is not all true.
Also we talked about June and so we are well into June already and still no Project to Delete the Zeros.

In this regard, I was told that the effort to roll out the new ATMs should be an indication of the progress with the project and not to worry as the committee is working closely with the banks to track the ATMs, their locations and to have sufficient supplies of the..FOR READ MORE:

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