Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 Asia T3 T4A 

 From a trusted friend: Southeast Asia. Hong Kong and Singapore. As of this morning, they don’t have notifications yet. They are unsure how true the reports are that they are getting paid. They are unsure. My friend also has personal contacts in Brazil and some contacts in Europe who have not reported having been paid yet. This is not bad news, we understand there is a queue, and there’s a process, and certain groups are going to be paid out. 

And I’ve talked to you all before about the well. I’m just going to rehash and refresh your memory here. The GCR, the global currency side of things, Tier 3, Dubai 1 and Dubai 2, those things getting filled are like a great big, massive well. So, when the first one gets paid, I want you to imagine this well of water getting filled up, filled up, filled up, and all of a sudden, a barrier is removed and pulled back. 

This threshold is picked out of the well, and the water from that well flows into well number two. And after time processes, that well begins to fill up, and fill up, and fill up. And then the barrier can be lifted off of that well – boom – it comes back and that water now is flowing to well number three. 

And you see, that’s where we are, in Tier 4B. These others need to go before us, so that our well will get filled up. So, it’s not a long and laboriously drawn-out process that will take years or anything. It should not even take months, but it is going to take a little time, and there’s a queue for this. I don’t want anyone to be discouraged, I just want you to be balanced.

 Because it could be quick, but I’m not calling it for this week. I’m not saying, “Oh, you’re going to get your notifications today” like we’ve heard, even yesterday. I don’t see that yet. But I definitely see things moving in a very positive

direction. I’m very extremely encouraged. We are now here at a place we know we’ve never been before.

AndI’mnotgoingtotalkalotaboutittoday,buttheSEClawsuitwithRipple- go to my channel, type in SEC or type in Ripple. Go see the news, see what’s been happening with the lawsuit. It’s all incredibly positive. This stuff with crypto has to get righted and talked about in the public’s conscience and revealed before we go. Also, check out the lawsuit with silver, precious metals, silver being manipulated and suppressed. That happened today! That is something that was a step that had to happen for us to go camping. So, these are all positives. That is the reason why I am always so careful to tell you all to look circumspectly. 

Look at geo financial – BOOM. Look at SEC, Ripple – BOOM. Silver, this lawsuit settled today. Geo Financial, geopolitical, the Q Comms. Who’s resigning? Who’s got COVID and is off the scene and what not? You know what I mean. All of it plays a part, not just the Guru News Network, and the banker intrinsic communications, coming from the likes of alphabet soup agencies or the Treasury. 

They have to cloud the timing. They have to even leak misinformation. And I’ve explained this in previous Chronicles, they have to do this because the bad rats make a move, and the bad rats get arrested. So while I do understand there’s a need for the misinformation, GinGin doesn’t want to be a party to it. That’s why I’m a real stickler for trying to vet the snot out of stuff, because I don’t want to mislead you.

I’m going to continue on with my Asia comments. He said Brazil personal contacts and European contacts are not reporting having been paid yet, but they are getting great news from their paymasters. It’s hard to see progress with real people that our members know. Everything appears to be in limbo. Things have been ready but we’re just not seeing liquidity happen yet. And this is not bad news. I just want to reinforce that, okay Loves?

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