Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 BRUCE BIG CALL JULY 23, 2024 VERY VERY SHORT NOTES  [7/23/2024 10:12 PM]

This is going to be an interesting week for us.  Alot is happening all around. Politically, wow... we have had quite a week. It will not get any easier. Do not be surprised if the EBS/EAS and the EWS comes up starting tomorrow or Thursday.  There is so much going on globally. The arrests did get finished globally, but still some in Canada. 

This is a time when things are coming together for us..... yesterday, talking to the redemption center and bank people. bank screens were not showing rates, but redemption center screens showed blinking rates  but today... 

it was opposite.   

Later today, the redemption centers, are showing solid rates but in gray scale: you cannot make out what rates are. 

But by around 9:30 EST we will  have solid rates on the screens at 9:30 a.m. Staff is being sent in as early as 10

Am and also 2 pm to cover the day.

 We could get notified tomorrow and start exchanges tomorrow.  Start Wed and go thru Saturday. We should get the 800 number emails.  If not tomorrow, then Thursday, but we should start tomorrow.

That is great news for us. This is what we are all looking forward to.  When you get the EAS and EWS that is designed to be cover for us.  So I am excited that is about to occur.  You have seen political change, and may be more soon. I am looking forward to getting started in way of notifications

The dinar has a contract rate. They are to offer that here in the USA to USA citizens.

 I can tell you it is very high.  ZIM holders are given priority.  You do get priority for Medbeds, as they want those of us who will be around to do our projects for many years, to have a shot to living longer than normal life span.

You should be looking forward to gaining longevity to see your projects to the future.

I will tell you, we have waited a long time for this, and this info I got is very positive, and believe we are at the point to start.

We do not know when emails will come, but we know bondholders are to be notified tomorrow and have access to funds by Thursday.   I believe we will be starting tomorrow for exchange, and maybe start Wed or Thursday. Look for your emails.


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