Monday, July 1, 2024

A Deputy Identifies The Positive Points In The Chinese Agreement.. “The Best For The Iraqi Economy.”, 1 JULY

 A Deputy Identifies The Positive Points In The Chinese Agreement.. “The Best For The Iraqi Economy.”

Posted On 06-29-2024 By Sotaliraq   Today, Saturday, Representative Rafiq Al-Salhi identified the positive points in the Baghdad-Beijing Agreement and its impact on the national economy.

Al-Salhi said in an interview, “No one disagrees on China’s economic dimension on the international stage at the present time, with its capabilities growing in all fields to become a major economic power on the global level.”

He added, “The economic agreement between Baghdad and Beijing is important for both parties and carries positive dimensions in terms of creating flexibility in the implementation of strategic projects by Chinese companies that are distinguished by their ability, high efficiency, and interaction with the situation in a positive way.”

He pointed out that "the Baghdad-Beijing agreement is the best for the national economy, and reviving its provisions will constitute another support in opening new economic horizons through development projects, especially with regard to the Grand Faw Port."

It is noteworthy that Iraq signed an economic agreement with China during the era of Abdul Mahdi’s government, but international pressure led to its postponement.  LINK

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