Saturday, June 1, 2024

To resume the export of oil in the Kurdistan region. Apicor announces readiness to consider contract amendment, 2 JUNE

To resume the export of oil in the Kurdistan region. Apicor announces readiness to consider contract amendment

The Kurdistan Oil Industry Association (APIKUR) announced its readiness to consider amending contracts, in agreement with the Kurdistan Regional Government to resume exports.

“If such agreements require amendments to the current contracts, APIKUR member companies are willing to consider this if they are agreed between the federal government, the Kurdistan Regional Government and oil companies,” Apikur said in response, to a statement to Prime Minister Mohamed Shiaa of Sudan.

“Oil companies in the Kurdistan region are not ready to amend their contracts,” Sudan said to the Turkish Anadolu Agency.

The Kurdistan Oil Industry Association (APIKUR) has called for tripartite discussions for the purpose of resuming oil export via the Iraqi-Turkish pipeline.

“The association would like to refer here to recent media reports that incorrectly blamed international oil companies (IOCs) for the dispute over the reopening of the pipeline between Iraq and Turkey (ITP),” the company said in a statement, adding, “The members of this association believe that the tripartite discussions between the Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government and the global oil companies on the one hand are necessary for the purpose of finding a mutually beneficial solution.”

“The Association here would like to refer to recent media reports that erroneously indicate the lack of flexibility on the part of international oil companies as a reason for the continued dispute over the resumption of oil exports through the Iraq Pipeline,” she added, noting that “such reports indicate that ongoing talks were interrupted due to the intransigent position taken by international oil companies, but the Association would like to show that no joint discussions have taken between international oil companies and representatives of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Government of Iraq since 7-9 December 2024.”

The Kurdistan Oil Industry Association (APIKUR) stated, “The members of this association’s readiness to resume exports, provided that agreements are reached that provide for ensuring payment for past and future exports, direct payment and maintaining commercial conditions, if such agreements require amendments to current contracts, the member companies of the Association are ready to consider this if it is agreed between the Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government and individual international oil companies.”

“The member companies of the Kurdistan Oil Industry Association believe that the tripartite talks between the Iraqi government, the Kurdistan Regional Government and the global oil companies are the best way to find solutions that lead to the resumption of exports through the Iraqi-Turkish oil pipeline,” said Miles Kagns,” said, “The member companies of the Kurdistan Oil Industry Association are ready to participate constructively in any such talks.”لاستئناف-تصدير-نفط-اقليم-كردستان-أبيكور-تعلن-استعدادها-للنظر-في-تعديل-العقود

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