Friday, June 28, 2024


 TNT call

 Iraq is ready to party on Sunday. The lower denomination dinars are in the ATMs. Banks have been notified that the dinar is exchangeable once they get the go, which they are expecting between this evening and Sunday morning.


Wed. 26 June 2024 TNT Tony

 “Every single source says it’s done and we await the go signal. So we wait. There is agreement amongst them re: when it will be announced and what they are waiting on. Sunday 30 June 2024 is a celebration day in Iraq. They are waiting for the trigger, there is a trigger. He won’t tell us what that is. The Dinar Live New Rate Window is Thurs. 27 June 5pm EST 2024 to Sunday morning 30 June 2024.

TNT Tony said window is Thursday after 5 thru Sunday. He also said it could go in 5 minutes. FYI, If you are in the US, you should be able to get the contract rate IF YOU ASK. So ask. ($28.50)


Waiting on the go. There is agreement amongst them re: when it will be announced and what they are waiting on. 

Window: 5 min from now until Sunday morning.

Sunday is a celebration day in Iraq.


TNT- They are waiting for the trigger, there is a trigger. He won’t tell us what that is.


TNT- Now saying Thursday 5pm EST to Sunday morning for live rate window.

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