Saturday, June 22, 2024


 💢Mike Bara: High WF banking sources are telling people who hold currency not to bother taking any contracts for work longer than a week or two — no matter how much money is involved.

We are almost there, folks…

💢 Gezelle, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire, offers clarification for those who might be a little confused 

➡️ They are advising not to take any contracts for work (self-employed people) for more than max 2 weeks.



  💢 Update from Mike Bara 6.15.24 

💢Mike: OK, I hate to be the Bara of bad tidings, but I just got info from "The Bondholder" — who is not a bond holder but a bond broker waiting to be paid commissions by the US government for bringing in historic bonds — to the effect that he won't be paid until Tuesday. 

We were hoping he'd been paid already. This would clear the way for Tier 4B, us, to be paid out.

 We were all hoping and waiting for some announcement or notifications this weekend.

 That can still happen, but IMO we don't get paid until after guys like him get paid. So we wait... and hope.

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