Sunday, June 9, 2024



 The third phase of the monetary reform is being introduced...There are 7 parts to Phase 3... Article:  "They published the text of the third strategic plan of the Central Bank of Iraq on their financial reform"  Quote:  "...include the ability to issue medium and long-term securities... increase gold reserves and offer new issuance of high quality currency."  It doesn't get any better than that...


Question: "Should we watch Forex or the CBI?" CBI.  Forex is waiting for the CBI.

There's an article that says, 'We're not going to come out with the the lower denominations because it won't affect the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

 What are you stupid?  I'm talking to the media.  The media is owned by the far nasty side and they don't want this to happen.  They don't want anyone to know about the monetary reform success so they put out information that a little misleading...Of course they're going to come out with lower denoms...remove the three zeros...add value to the currency.  That's what they've been telling you...

 Everything is being done in an expedited manner.  But unfortunately it's expedited Middle East manner...You sign a contract in the Middle East, that doesn't mean that it's going to be activated on the day that you sign it, nor tomorrow, nor the next week, nor the next month.  It is activated when they say so.   Why Because you need what they've got...You got to go by their rules.  They have to move by their quicksand pace.  I'm sorry, that's all there is to it.  You have witnessed it.  You have experienced it.  You have tasted it by being involved in the monetary reform investment...


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