Sunday, June 9, 2024

Parliamentary Services: The government has completed 65% of its program, and the next stage will include new projects, 9 JUNE

 Parliamentary Services: The government has completed 65% of its program, and the next stage will include new projects

 The Parliamentary Services Committee confirmed today, Saturday, that the current government has completed 65% of its service program, pointing out that the next stage will include the entry into force of new projects. 

Baqir Al-Saadi, a member of the Parliamentary Services Committee, told Al-Furat News Agency, “The current government has completed 65% of its service program, as service and housing projects have been started, the completion rate of which has reached approximately 20%.” 

He added, "The next stage will include the entry into force of new projects from the 2004 and 2025 plans, and reconstruction will begin as soon as possible, in addition to allocating financial sums in the budget, which amounted to 2 trillion dinars, in addition to the amounts allocated from the Food Security Law, which reached the share of projects in the southern governorates." 27 trillion dinars. 

He stressed, "The current budget is large and specializes in the service aspect." link

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