Monday, June 3, 2024

Parliamentary finances vote on 2024 budget schedules and add 2 trillion to provincial share, 4 JUNE

Parliamentary finances vote on 2024 budget schedules and add 2 trillion to provincial share

Baghdad – Mil

A member of the House of Representatives, Burhan Al-Mamari, announced today, Monday, the vote of the Parliamentary Finance Committee on the 2024 budget schedules, noting that it added an increase of 2 trillion dinars to the share of the provinces to become 3.5 trillion.

Al-Mamouri said in a post seen by “Mil”, “The Finance Committee voted on the 2024 budget schedules and added an increase of 2 trillion dinars to the share of the provinces to become 3.5 trillion.”

He added that “this increase came after most members of the House of Representatives objected to the schedules sent by the government and in light of providing financial support to the provinces.”

Al-Mamouri continued, “the Finance Committee played its role and made distinguished efforts and achieved the basic requirement, which includes increasing the financial allocations of the governorates, although we demanded a further increase.”

“We stand by the Finance Committee’s decision and call on members of the House of Representatives to support the Finance Committee represented by all blocs and components and to expedite a session to vote on the budget schedules,” he added.

He stressed that “our governorates need to launch the allocations installed in the budget schedules to move the wheel of lagging projects and promote the service and urban reality in the public good.”–2024-2-.html


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