Wednesday, June 26, 2024

l-Amiri calls for the removal of foreign forces from Iraq, 26 JUNE

 l-Amiri calls for the removal of foreign forces from Iraq

Baghdad - Iraq Today:

The head of the Nabnani Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, during his meeting with French Ambassador Patrick Dorrell, stressed the need for the international coalition forces to leave Iraq.

A statement by the media office of the head of the Nabnani Alliance said that "Amiri received Dorrell, and the meeting discussed many files, most notably the development of relations between the two countries in all fields, especially the economic aspect, especially after the improvement of the security situation and stability, which encourages French companies and their arrival to work and invest in Iraq."

According to the statement, the two sides also discussed the file of the presence of the international coalition, and Al-Amiri stressed the need for all its forces to leave Iraq to achieve full national sovereignty. The meeting also discussed the aggression on Gaza, and Amiri stressed the need to stop Western support for the Zionist massacres and the war of extermination of the Palestinian people.

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